Move from peer2peer to Client:Server...

Hey All,
Soonish, we will be moving from a simple peer to peer network to a client:server type scenario.
At present I am not sure exactally what level we will go to- there will be around 20-25 work stations connected to it.
However, this will be my first dive in to proper client:server networking- as such I know very very little-- can anyone point me in the direction of some good guides that will take me through the 'overall' basics and then some stuff re configuration of client and server etc...
How realistic is it that someone who has not built or experimented with client:server operations before could successfully build a decentish network for 20-25 workstations?! (The network will probably have to be up and running somehow by mid-end November- whether I do it or someone else)
Soonish, we will be moving from a simple peer to peer network to a client:server type scenario.
At present I am not sure exactally what level we will go to- there will be around 20-25 work stations connected to it.
However, this will be my first dive in to proper client:server networking- as such I know very very little-- can anyone point me in the direction of some good guides that will take me through the 'overall' basics and then some stuff re configuration of client and server etc...
How realistic is it that someone who has not built or experimented with client:server operations before could successfully build a decentish network for 20-25 workstations?! (The network will probably have to be up and running somehow by mid-end November- whether I do it or someone else)
I think it's pretty realistic. Server 2003 is full of wizards, and there is a place right on the front page of it that tells you what needs to be done next. If all you're doing is file sharing, print sharing, and only 2 or 3 levels of user security, you'll get it done. You'll also need to understand some basics about DHCP and NAT, but I think its realistic. Just make sure you purchase a support package to bail you out...esp if you'll be buying a firewall at the same time.
At present we have pop3 e-mail, this works pretty fine for us most of the time- so hopefully we will stick to this- if we move to a fully fledged mail server I feel that could be more tricky.
Your idea of what it would be doing- would that include centrally deploying windows update patches and antivirus patches etc- or does that still assume that is done on an individual machine basis?! (I fear that could be a *really* dumb question- but hey ho!)
As for deploying patches over the network, I would just get a Server 03 Domain Controller up and running. Then tackle other stuff like that later. For 25 machines you don't have to be tweaking Group Policy right away. It will be enough of an improvement for your company to start having the security of a Domain Controller and a central print server.
But again, I'm not sure I would encourage you to just jump into an Exchange Server quite so much.
However, central deploymernt of patches and stuff would be very useful- some users (as I am sure you are all too familure with) seem to have a knack of ignoring any kind of update for months on end!