Firewall/router problems with Shareaza (Gnutella)
I am trying to use Shareaza or Limewire (which are both Gnutella peer-to-peer programs) on a wireless network that is not mine (a school). It won't work so I am guessing the network has a firewall. How can I get through the firewall?
This semester USD took it to the next level and requires you download a tool called "PolicyKey" to monitor usage, make sure you have Symantec's anti-virus installed, and your automatic updates turn are turned on and to automatic. Thankfully I've moved off campus.
There are a few programs you can use for sharing files ON campus, but whether or not I can post those I'm not really sure.
Ports are being blocked for those P2P progs. uTORRENT's encryption feature may assist you, in addition with mute, but it won't guarantee anything.