Windows Is Not Detecting DVD-/+RW Drive?
This problem I'm having is with an eMachine. It has a DVD-/+RW and a CD/RW but apparently Windows is only detecting the CD/RW drive. Everything inside seems to be plugged in correctly so I don't know what the problem could be. I try to check the properties for the drive that shows but upon clicking My Computer or properties it freezes and it takes a bit to show me the actual properties. It's not a slow machine either, it's about 3.06GHz. Any suggestions?
Well apparently, now neither drive is showing up in Devices with Removable Storage where I usually see the drives. In the Device Manager under DVD/CDROM Drives there's (1) item that shows up as follows
@DD-RP CD-PFT PR 8482B " but other than that I don't know. I don't want think it's the drives who are faulty/dead and just hope it's maybe a wire or something so I'll try the drives on another machine.
Well apparently, now neither drive is showing up in Devices with Removable Storage where I usually see the drives. In the Device Manager under DVD/CDROM Drives there's (1) item that shows up as follows
@DD-RP CD-PFT PR 8482B " but other than that I don't know. I don't want think it's the drives who are faulty/dead and just hope it's maybe a wire or something so I'll try the drives on another machine.
My specs are as follows:
eMachine T5026
Pentium 4 3.06Ghz
XP Home SP2
160GB Serial ATA Drive
DVDRW / CDRW (they're plugged but Windows does not detect neither drive)
Bios doesn't seem to be detecting either drive... although.. it seems like it does detect one but I'm not sure as all the letters and numbers are scrambled. One CD Drive shows up in the machine but I can't do much with it because upon trying to click on it the whole "My Computer" Screen freezes, HELP!!
Quote: Fixing the problem simply involves deleting the filter entries for the third-party device drivers. These entries can sometimes become damaged (which is what produces the "corrupt registry" warning).
To delete the offending keys, open the Registry and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlCl ass\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}. . Delete the keys named UpperFilters and LowerFilters and reboot.