Helicopter flying in the DC bf1942 mod

Joystick or mouse?
Im trying with the mouse, but it is much harder than flying a plane. Should I buy a joystick? If so any recomendations?
Im trying with the mouse, but it is much harder than flying a plane. Should I buy a joystick? If so any recomendations?
Try to think of the weight that you're throwing around when you fly a helicopter. If you swing around one direction fast, you're going to have to then counter that motion with the mouse a little or you'll spin around in circles all day. It all comes with practice, and it gets to be pretty fun
Most people are happy with the Saitek and Microsoft force feedback joysticks. The Logitechs are "ok."
I am 1337 at flying teh choppers
I can try and teach you some stuff you want.
You have to constantly adjust between WASD and the arrow keys. But once you get the hang of it, you can r0xx0r them.
All in all it was still pretty fun even if I did get us all killed. Not sure if a joystick would have helped or not though. People I talked to in game seemed to favor mouse and keyboard over the joystick though since they felt it gave them more control.
I am new to S-M so no flames please. I have been flying RC helis for several years ... nothing like blade tip speeds of 200 MPH to keep you on your toes !
It seems this thread is about a helicopter simulator.
Could someone please give me some insight to these simulators.
The game would be Battlefield 1942 and the Desert Combat mod.
your response of 1942 and Desert Mod hardly gives me any insight to helicopter sims though. I am not a gamer
This thread isn't about helicopter sims. We're talking about Battlefield 1942, an online multiplayer first person shooter. There is a mod for it called Desert Combat which puts you in fights with scenery, items, and vehicles from desert storm. There happen to be helicopters to fly and we're talking about the difficulties and what controls to use.
The throttle does help, but I think the best part aboutt it is the fact that you can twist the stick to rotate the whirrly. I just couldn't get the hang of that with the mouse.
Thanks for everyones input. It was most helpful.
Love it.
Anyways, in BF1942, I'm always the pilot [cause I'm the only one who's got a joystick] and it works great. I can adjust the level of pitch and stuff, so it's easier than the mouse.
I haven't played DC in a bit, last time was when the heli was still buggy.
Air Craft - Joystick
Land Vehicles - joy pad
1st Person - mouse and keyboard
What it really comes down to is what you're really compfortable with. So, take your pick.