Once I complete the sysprep process, can I use the HD in the old system? My concern is being able to revert to the old environment should the sysprep HD fail to boot in the new system.
All went fine though on one of the restarts it sat on an XP "Please Wait" screen. No probs, power off and restart. Logged in and all appeared to be working well. However I clicking on the activate prompt didn't apper to do anything, and there was an msoobe.exe (or sommat like that). Also starting IE and trying to go to some sites including windows update gave some weird "The request lookup key was not found in any activation context". So I uninstalled IE8 as per prompts on another site "%windir%\ie8\spuninst\spuninst.exe'
All fixed. It seems the re-install process automatically kills in the post SP3 updates. I also used ccleaner, to cleanup any old registry entries, including all the missing post SP3 updates.
Then off to windows update and 48 updates to install. All good.
I also had the same problem when trying to upgrade from XP Home to Pro. Although the XP Pro CD had SP3 and the installer compatibility check passed successfully, windows did not get past the black "please wait" screen after the update install. And IE could not be started after the next power up. So one has to do the following BEFORE starting installation: Remove IE8 first, then IE7 (which will appear under software when you remove IE8). Unfortunately after having removed IE8, there was no remove option for IE7 in system panel (probably because IE7 had been installed prior to the XP SP3 install). So I removed the XP SP3 first and then I could remove IE7. With this downgrade to XP SP2 and IE6 the XP Home -> Pro upgrade was successfull and the install completed ok. This is more than annoying! I had the impression that the activation nagscreen is the only thing that works flawlessly...
Just wanted to say thank you for all the advice. Have upgraded from XP Home to XP Pro and moved the HD to the new system - and all appears to be well.
Thanks again.
I also had the same problem when trying to upgrade from XP Home to Pro. Although the XP Pro CD had SP3 and the installer compatibility check passed successfully, windows did not get past the black "please wait" screen after the update install. And IE could not be started after the next power up. So one has to do the following BEFORE starting installation: Remove IE8 first, then IE7 (which will appear under software when you remove IE8). Unfortunately after having removed IE8, there was no remove option for IE7 in system panel (probably because IE7 had been installed prior to the XP SP3 install). So I removed the XP SP3 first and then I could remove IE7. With this downgrade to XP SP2 and IE6 the XP Home -> Pro upgrade was successfull and the install completed ok. This is more than annoying! I had the impression that the activation nagscreen is the only thing that works flawlessly...
For more information have a look at these links: