PHPBB question

deicistdeicist Manchester, UK
edited November 2006 in Internet & Media
So, I've just installed PHPBB for the first time and I'm going to use the default style... however I want to edit it a bit. I don't know much about css (I'm a plain old HTML kinda guy) and the first thing I want to do is change the 'PHPBB' logo in the top left to something else (easily done) and point the link to my websites main page instead of the forum root. Anyone know how to do the second bit?


  • edited November 2006
    I am not on my home computer, but if I recall it is a file you can find in templates/subsivler/

    overall_header.tpl (or something very close to that)

    Towards the bottom of the file you will see [PHP]<table>[/PHP] and all of the logo and link information. Just change the href link there.

    If you need more specifics, just let me know, and I will repost a more detailed reply when I get home.
  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited November 2006
    Ringo, please be sure to put HTML inside [ code ] tags :) It breaks the forum otherwise.
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