Are you sure my dv8000t is Not a dv8000t?

----Miska--------Miska---- subject to change
edited November 2006 in Hardware
"Are you sure my dv8000t is Not a dv8000t?"

Yes, that was the question I posed to the HP Tech during a “support chat” this evening, after I was told that the dv8000t (that I have only had since receiving my order shipment 17 July, 2006) was in fact not a dv8000t.

I had contacted HP Support due to the fact that I found it “odd” the Intel Graphics Accelerator driver in the dv8000t’s “drivers and support” page wouldn’t install. I figured it was due to my system having a 7600 Go GPU, but still wanted to be sure “something else” wasn’t amiss (and to question “why” it was there in the first place, since it was my understanding that by default the dv8000t came with a 7600 Go GPU).

The “revelation” began when the tech typed out a serial number and product number I did not recognize to confirm those were my numbers – which I assumed he had them since I opted to allow my system’s information to be sent to the tech at the onset of the support chat. So, I asked him where he found those, and he told me to look at the bottom of my system. My S/N and P/N numbers do not match those he thought were mine. So, I gave him the numbers from the sticker on the bottom of my system.

Then he stated (as if he already knew), that my system is a dv8300, to which I told him “no, my system is a dv8000t”. He asked if I’d “hold” so he could double check, I agreed and waited for about ten minutes. He came back and confirmed that my system is a dv8300; I asked him how that was possible since that was not the system I purchased/ ordered back in July. Then he kept telling me how the dv8300 is within the dv8000 series – as if I questioned that fact.

So, while chatting with him, I quickly jumped over to my account and checked my processed order information to make sure (I was still in my ‘right’ mind). Sure enough, my order form says dv8000t and so does my original packing slip that came with the system. I mentioned this to the tech and even gave him my order number; he still insisted that I have a dv8300 system.

I asked him “are you sure?” a few more times because I thought perhaps this was just a case of a “fatigued tech” and maybe he overlooked something. He then kept telling me to contact the HP Store and then after this suggestion told me to contact the HP Presales Department – in hopes that they could explain the various models within the dv8000 series. I told him I understood there are various models and that this wasn’t my concern.

Then he dropped “the bomb” and gave me a URL to go to so I could plug in my numbers and “see” for myself. So, while he waited, I went to the URL and plugged in my numbers. I found that I do indeed have a dv8300! Once I had plugged in my numbers, a bunch of internal information came up and at the top of the screen it said: “Product description BU W/K dv8300”.

Needless to say, I was surprised by this and then asked the tech why I was not alerted to this “fact” before now. He apologized for any inconvenience this has caused me, but didn’t answer the question. I told him I was glad to finally know so as I can be sure to install proper drivers. I then asked him why I would receive a dv8300 when I ordered a dv800t and he told me (verbatim from the chat transcript):

“It seems the same hardware configuration has been shipped with dv8300 due lack of stock.”

FINALLY some concrete information!

I was insistent on making sure the tech knew what he was saying (since I could barely believe it myself) and told him my system looks nothing like the dv8300 on this page:

He didn’t comment on that comment, so I decided to leave it alone and call it a “night” in regard to the support chat.

Digging around the “product information” area for both dv8000 models, I found in the “product description” of the dv8300 PDF Manual an image of the system, and it looks exactly like the dv8000t case (and unlike the current image on the dv8300 page – which is most likely displaying an updated version of the notebook’s case).

Why did I bother to mention all of this?

Aside from the “interest factor”, I wanted to alert all dv8000t owners in case their systems were “changed on the fly without notice” too. I don’t know if this type of “dealing” is common practice with large computer manufacturers. Yes, I have heard of components being swapped for a higher end version of the component when an item is out of stock, but an entire system? I don’t feel it’s an “honest approach” to business.

Sure, I like the idea of having an 8300, I’m not going to complain about that. However, knowing from the “beginning” would have been nice and probably saved me many hours of trying to troubleshoot my GPU issue (during gaming) that I mentioned in another thread here a few weeks back:

( )

Hopefully, once I get the “correct” drivers installed for the system, my GPU issue will become a “memory”. :)

In any case, if you’re a dv8000t owner and wish to make sure your dv800t is “really” a dv8000t, just go to the following URL and plug-in your Serial Number and Product Number:


~*~ Miska ~*~


  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    My 2 laptops along with my roommates 3 HP laptops all check out and say they are what they are :) but thanks for the heads up.

    In any event I would think the dv8300t would be better than a dv8000t as the product number is higher usually showing or meaning it has something better than the lower model... But I could be wrong about that.
  • edited October 2006

    1: On the link you gave to of the dv8300... the picture is of a dv6000 -notice how the touchpad is centered.
    (HP has been updating their site with the new models and it looks like someone put the wrong pic)

    2: dv8000t and the whole dv8000 series is being phased out... so you getting a dv8300 if the spec's matched your order it is NOT surpising.

    If the specs are the SAME, it's a dv8000t, regardless of whatever it's model number is.

    3: Intel Graphics Accelerator ????? dv8000t should have the 7600. If the dv8300 you have has the Intel Graphics Accelerator and you ordered a system that was supposed to have the 7600, you deserve a full refund.

    Are you saying your "dv8300" has an Intel Graphics Accelerator?...

    4: On the drivers... I haven't used it and don't remember the name but you can go to the hp site and it will probe your system, then download the correct drivers for your system.

    PS: Read your other post, sounds like you have enough problems to get the system swapped out for a dv9000t
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    The first dv8000t laptops shipped with Intel Graphics and a option for a 7400 G0, it wasn't until 5 months later the 7600 Go was offered.
  • edited October 2006
    When I ordered my dv8000t in April -2006 I don't remember seeing it as an option, of course I wouldn't have opted for it since it is the slowest gpu you can get.

    About 2 -3 weeks after I received my unit, the 7600's started shipping... dv8000z's I think showing an option for the ATI Radeon Xpress 200m (another card at the bottom of the barrel)

    PS: Miska got his/her unit 17 July -2006 and I think that the Intel option was not an option at that point.... so if he/she ordered a unit expecting a 7600, hp needs to do an adjustment.
  • ----Miska--------Miska---- subject to change
    edited October 2006
    Hey guys,

    Thanks for replying, I appreciate it.

    I was thinking perhaps the Intel Graphics Accelerator “might” be onboard, but just disabled due to the 7600 Go and thought I’d update the drivers for it “just in case” (a matter of trying to be thorough, perhaps too much so).

    I think I will call the HP Store and see what they have to say about this matter, I’m really curious!

    WeAreNotAlone, if I could somehow swing a dv9000t from all this nonsense, I certainly wouldn’t mind! I’m not sure if they’ll “work with me” on this. Although I’ve had many problems with the gpu, I’m not sure they’d have “mercy” on me and be so generous, perhaps they would. I just know I’m tired of having a box fan going while trying to game, and even that isn't a guaranteed "workaround". I'm starting to think if I were gaming in the arctic on this rig I would still experience the problem. Lol

    I never imagined I would have the complications with the 7600 that I’ve had. I’ve even removed the battery in hopes of allowing more air into the system while I game – anything that may help, I’ve tried. I’ve pretty much done all I can think of to help this issue and when I’ve contacted HP in the past, the best they can do is direct me to the “current” (and now ancient in terms of what’s out there from Nvidia driver wise), 84.54 drivers.

    The only thing I haven’t tried is replacing the factory silicone thermal paste of the GPU and CPU, but I’m not sure I want to attempt this. Yes, I have experience working on a system’s innards in terms of installing graphic cards, replacing power supplies, adding/ removing memory sticks and such – but I’m not sure I’m at the “thermal paste swap” level quite yet. :D Lol

    I was hoping to get this system sorted out before the 23rd of October, since that is my “start date” at NYIT’s “online college” – Ellis ( ), as I’m going for a BS in Information Technology- with a specialization in Interactive Multimedia. :)

    After I contact HP regarding the “dv8000t switch”, I’ll post back with regard to what they say about it. ;)

    By the way, Sledgehammer . . . just so you know, it is because of your review of the dv8000t that I decided to purchase the system in the first place! ;)

    Regards to you both,

    ~*~ Miska ~*~
  • edited October 2006

    If I'm reading your other post right your dv8300 has the following problems:

    1: GPU Overheating when playing a game.
    2: DVD drive read/write drive having problems.

    "A week or so back it started making a horrible noise when I’d stick a disc in – the noise sounds like a “jackhammer” – louder with some discs, than others. The only way I can run a disc (and simultaneously keep my sanity) is to put a bit of pressure (not much) on the outside of the drive. I’ve pretty much given up on the idea of watching a DVD on this system because of this issue. :(

    3: The "keyboard problem", that drops certain letters from time to time.

    Seeing how there's no FIX? for the keyboard problem and your starting SCHOOL, going for a BS in Information Technology- with a specialization in Interactive Multimedia I would think you're going to need the keyboard most of all, and for certain you need a dvd drive that works properly.

    Here's the thing though.... you haven't had the laptop repaired for any of these problems yet, have you?

    In most cases at least (3) repairs need to be done before a mfg will swap out a machine.

    I would call HP and talk with a case manager and explain to him that it would work in HP's favor if they could bend the rules in your case, maybe stressing that if HP was to swap the unit out for a current unit it would be "cheap" advertising for them. Tell him/her in a nice way you are documenting everyone you talk to and that you plan on going all the way to the "top" if needed. That if they were to expedite the process you would be sure to "talk-up" HP to your fellow classmates. (happy customer=increased sales= extra sales offsetting any cost the swap would cost HP.)

    Reference threads:

    DV8000 Series - Keyboard problems

    Example of DELL refunding $500 back ($500 CDN), not US for I think a system not being shipped with the correct sound drivers/hardware? (Dell has a $30 "upgrade" that is a software solution?)

    Post #16 talking about Dell refunding $500 ! and is shipping a replacement system.
    (Thats $500CDN, not US)
  • ----Miska--------Miska---- subject to change
    edited October 2006
    Hello . . . :)

    You are correct WeAreNotAlone, the problems are as you stated:

    1: GPU Overheating when playing a game.
    2: DVD drive read/write drive having problems.
    3: The "keyboard problem” that drops certain letters from time to time.

    The keyboard seems to have its issue with the letters D, B, M, F and N for me. Last summer (July) after receiving the system, I had a few major papers to write at the University I previously attended and having this “keyboard issue” really slowed down my writing process. I lost a lot of time backspacing and correcting.

    Also (and I think I forgot to mention this before – maybe I didn’t), I have never found any errors related to my gpu problem in the Events Log, nor have I had seen any BSODs (which I kind of wish I had because maybe then I would have a clue as to the problem with the gpu). There are no hardware conflicts going on either

    “Here's the thing though.... you haven't had the laptop repaired for any of these problems yet, have you?”

    No, I haven’t, nor have I opened up the system due to not wanting to void the (1 year) warranty. I'm not sure if this would void the warranty, but didn't want to take any chances.

    I’m not sure which HP number I should use – the Home Store or Technical Support, and I’m still shaking my head over the fact that I had talked to several HP Techs since receiving this system and only the most recent one told me I didn’t have the system I thought I had. I will never get over this happening – amazing! I figure the techs I spoke to prior to this last one were either 1) straight out dishonest or 2) clueless.

    I’m wondering if I should contact HP once more via online chat so I at least have what is said documented via a chat log or copy and paste, I’m just not sure.

    Many Thanks for Your Help, it's appreciated.


    ~*~ Miska ~*~

    //edit by admin (keebs): EVEREST log attached as Word doc and subsequent posts removed to keep the thread readible
  • ----Miska--------Miska---- subject to change
    edited October 2006
    Hello . . . :)

    I'm posting my laptop's specs here, so you both know what I'm dealing with. This report was generated by the Everest program. I am not completely familiar (as are the two of you) with exactly what each model in the 8000 series has by default. I'm really hoping I'm not facing a case of "mixed and matched parts" from two model versions (due to lack of in stock parts).

    Many Thanks in Advance for any and all help, I appreciate it. ;)


    ~*~ Miska ~*~

    * This report will span several posts - due to length - sorry guys, I just realized that I should have posted the report in reverse so all was in the proper order. The first page of the report is the last page of this report. :) *

    [ Debug - Unknown ]

    HDA Codec Unknown (14F15047h)
    Monitor CMO1701: Plug and Play Monitor [NoDB]
    Motherboard DMIMOBO: Hewlett-Packard 30A6
    Motherboard DMISYS: Hewlett-Packard HP Pavilion dv8000 (EX177AV)
    Motherboard NAPA0001.86C.0059.D.0608151651
    Motherboard Unknown
    Optical HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4084N
    PCI Bus #8 Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection
    PCI Bus #8 SDA Standard Compliant SD Host Controller
    PCI Bus #8 Texas Instruments OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host Controller
    PCI Bus #8 Texas Instruments PCIxx12 Cardbus Controller
    PCI Bus #8 Texas Instruments PCIxx12 Integrated FlashMedia Controller
    PCI/AGP 104C-8039: Texas Instruments PCIxx12 Cardbus Controller [NoDB]
    PCI/AGP 104C-803A: Texas Instruments OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host Controller [NoDB]
    PCI/AGP 104C-803B: Texas Instruments PCIxx12 Integrated FlashMedia Controller [NoDB]
    PCI/AGP 104C-803C: SDA Standard Compliant SD Host Controller [NoDB]
    PCI/AGP 10DE-0398: NVIDIA GeForce Go 7600 [NoDB]
    PCI/AGP 8086-1092: Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection [NoDB]
    PCI/AGP 8086-27A1: Mobile Intel(R) 955XM/945GM/PM/GMS/940GML Express PCI Express Root Port - 27A1 [NoDB]
    PCI/AGP 8086-4222: Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection [NoDB]
    PnP HPQ0006: HP Quick Launch Buttons [NoDB]
    PnP SYN011E: Synaptics PS/2 Port TouchPad [NoDB]

    The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
  • edited October 2006
    Hello . . . :)

    You are correct WeAreNotAlone, the problems are as you stated:

    1: GPU Overheating when playing a game.
    2: DVD drive read/write drive having problems.
    3: The "keyboard problem” that drops certain letters from time to time.

    The keyboard seems to have its issue with the letters D, B, M, F and N for me. Last summer (July) after receiving the system, I had a few major papers to write at the University I previously attended and having this “keyboard issue” really slowed down my writing process. I lost a lot of time backspacing and correcting.

    Also (and I think I forgot to mention this before – maybe I didn’t), I have never found any errors related to my gpu problem in the Events Log, nor have I had seen any BSODs (which I kind of wish I had because maybe then I would have a clue as to the problem with the gpu). There are no hardware conflicts going on either

    “Here's the thing though.... you haven't had the laptop repaired for any of these problems yet, have you?”

    No, I haven’t, nor have I opened up the system due to not wanting to void the (1 year) warranty. I'm not sure if this would void the warranty, but didn't want to take any chances.

    I’m not sure which HP number I should use – the Home Store or Technical Support, and I’m still shaking my head over the fact that I had talked to several HP Techs since receiving this system and only the most recent one told me I didn’t have the system I thought I had. I will never get over this happening – amazing! I figure the techs I spoke to prior to this last one were either 1) straight out dishonest or 2) clueless.

    I’m wondering if I should contact HP once more via online chat so I at least have what is said documented via a chat log or copy and paste, I’m just not sure.

    Many Thanks for Your Help, it's appreciated.


    ~*~ Miska ~*~

    Well...after reading thru the above... all I have to say is you've made me VERY SLEEPY...... Glad that was the "quick report":crazy:

    On taking the unit apart: You do NOT want to open the case if the unit is under warranty.... the GPU is buried so deep you have to take the entire machine apart....

    Specs look like a dv8000t, the EX177AV says it's a dv8300, which btw is a dv8000t... it's just spec'd out a certain way. You really shouldn't be upset or focusing any energy on jumping up and down on which model number it is labled as. If anything the 8300 series is, by the fact it is a higher number means it got the latest product inprovements over the base CTO dv8000t.

    You main concerns should be:
    1: GPU Overheating when playing a game.
    2: DVD drive read/write drive having problems. making noise, etc.
    3: The "keyboard problem” that drops certain letters from time to time.

    On getting the unit repaired, or replaced... If you don't contact HP, neither is going to happen.

    I'd stress that you and several hundred (heck thousands) of other people on the boards have had the "keyboard" problem and there is NO fix (besides maybe reseating the keyboard connector, which btw CAN be done easily!!), that you do allot of typing and that your VERY unhappy with the purchase at this point.

    This last post, while about an AMD cpu'd /x200m gpu'd has info on "overheating". Wish the guy would have posted pictures of the heatsink he added and the extra fan!

    Here's the post in the orginal format... Someone PM this guy and get him to post some pic's!

    You may make mention that the price of a dv9000t now being about what you paid for your system back in July-2006.

    BTW: When calling reference the EX177AV number...and have your serial number handy....

    Before you call, you should read thru the "keyboard threads" on the various boards... I don't think there is a fix, and there is NO fix in sight that I've heard of.... of course since I got rid of my HP Pavilion dv8000t (CTO) Notebook PC (EE944AV) I've not keep up on those threads.

  • ----Miska--------Miska---- subject to change
    edited October 2006
    Hi WeAreNotAlone . . . :)

    Thanks for getting back with me, I appreciate it. :)

    I'm so sorry I posted the full report rather than the quick report! I don't doubt that reading through all of that info. made you sleepy! I guess I should have thought about things, like report length, before I posted. :doh:
    On taking the unit apart: You do NOT want to open the case if the unit is under warranty.... the GPU is buried so deep you have to take the entire machine apart....

    I figured as much, and have had to greatly resist opening this rig. At the very least, I wanted to check for dust and if any was found, grab some canned air and "go to town".

    Speaking of the GPU, I am guessing it "lives" near the upper left hand side of the system - near the power button, is this correct? I'm asking, because this is where I have my box fan pointed and wanted to be sure I was "aiming in the right direction". :)

    I have decided it best if I write to HP rather than call them on the phone. I'm concerned I will end up with someone who doesn't know what their doing in cases like mine. Also, I've been accused of being "too nice" and it has been suggested that I stop being so understanding! Lol I guess the bottom line is, I'm not very good at playing "hardball" face to face, or on the phone. If I were to speak with an HP rep directly, I fear I might not get the desired results. In addition, by writing I can make sure I cover all points. Perhaps I'm just being paranoid, or over over hormonal . . . I'm not sure; in any case I just want this matter resolved.

    Either way, I will be sure to post back on the outcome of this situation and be sure to tell you how HP responds. :)

    Best Regards,

    ~*~ Miska ~*~
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    You could have just zipped and attached the txt file :) that is a ton of junk to scroll through :)

    As for the Keyboard error, I have yet to see it on any of my dv8000t's, but have noticed them on the dv8000z. I created a fix guide for this, which seems to get overlooked. about 5 people thus far have used the guide and have gotten good results.

    Thaking a dv8000t apart was pretty fun and also a dv900t :) If you know what your doing HP would never know you took it apart :)
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    As for your GPU. if you have your system in front of you with the lid open the CPU and GPU are on the right side, you can see out the back a plastic grill built into the chaise that is where the fan ports out the air... if you want a quick peek the GPU is right underneath the fan and the cpu is right next to it closest to that grill.


    This image was taken when the laptop was taken apart.. the motherboard was removed and you are seeing it upside down in the image.
  • ----Miska--------Miska---- subject to change
    edited October 2006
    Hi Sledge,

    Thanks for your reply, I appreciate it. :)

    Yes, I could have zipped up the report and should have. I have no idea what I was thinking, and now I feel Lame! :buck: Lol

    How many fans are in this system then, just one? I have my box fan pointed to the upper right hand corner (thinking this is where the gpu was located) because while doing any gaming (which is very little these days), this is the area that gets hot and hot air pours out the back via the vent/ grill in the back. It's interesting to learn that the gpu and cpu are located in the right hand corner near the calculator key/ button.

    I've been monitoring the system's temp during game play and the confusing thing is, I never really have seen the system rise above 60º C. I have the Nvidia control panel set to alert me if the gpu overheats, but it has never alerted me to anything of that nature. I also downloaded the NVTray program from Laptopvideo2go - - to see if this would help, but so far is hasn't and the system still freezes when playing. However, it has helped to some degree in that I am able to play longer before the freeze happens and I noticed my fan doesn't "go crazy" as it did before. Before NVTray, my fan would run on "high" speed all the time while my games played, yet the temp (as I mentioned above) really never exceeded 60º C, and the threshold (as you probably know0 is 110º C.

    Do you game on your notebook? If so, what kind of games do you run? are they 3D based games? Have you ever had such an issue as I - the freeze issue? Do you suppose (as I do) that it's from overheating? Or even the gpu itself? (just curious)

    As for what I've heard back from HP, they are telling me now that they are willing to work with me. The first person who responded to my letter said that he believed a new dv8300 was in order. I replied by telling them I feared another dv8000 model would have the same issues, as there have been countless comments and dialogs regarding the issues of the dv8000 series across the Internet.

    Guess I'll have to wait and see how this plays out; I'll keep you guys updated. :)

    Oh! Also, I found this "interesting" link while poking around for information:


    ~*~ Miska ~*~
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    How many fans are in this system then, just one? Just one above the GPU and the sytem memory, the CPU Cooper heat sink is inline with the end of that fans exaust.

    My GPU seems to run at or between 42C and 65C whic h is far form over heating... as the core threshold is at about 115C

    Do you game on your notebook? A Big Yes

    What kind of games do you run?
    Half Life 2
    Half Life 2 Ep 1
    Counter Strike Source
    Call of Duty 2
    Unreal Tournament 2004
    Lineage 2
    Company of Heroes
    Dawn of War
    Age of Mythology
    Age of Empires 3
    Age of Empires 2
    Far Cry
    Warcraft 3
    Warcraft 2
    Empire Earth

    and a few others :)

    I have not seen any freezing or lockups on my notebook after hours or even days of continuous gameplay.

    The question I have for you is what surface are you gaming on? I have my laptop on a little stand that has 2 small fans that keep the air moving away from the laptop. They don't move very fast but they do move some air below the actual laptop. I don't think ym laptop needs this to game but it is always good to make sure your keeping things cool.

    The only area that get warm tot he touch is my hard drive area, as some of the games I play are pretty abusive to hard drives....
  • ----Miska--------Miska---- subject to change
    edited October 2006
    Hi Guys . . :)

    After many e-mails and phone calls, HP wants to bring my system into Service and they're sending me a box for the system tomorrow.

    I'm not sure how I feel about this since my classes at NYIT started today. HP won't replace the system until they've at least serviced it and their service doesn't solve the issues. So, I guess I have to wait through this "song and dance" until they are satisfied that the system needs to be replaced rather than repaired. As there is no "fix" for the keyboard issue alone, I really don't understand their insistence on the system going through the repair/ service option. Don't they understand? :::: sigh :::::

    I am on my last nerve with HP, and finally agreed to let them service the system. I really don't feel as though they understand the problems I've explained to them; somehow I feel as though I've wasted my time trying to explain things to them, as I perceive them as not understanding. Either that or they are simply ignoring what I've been telling them and doing things "their way".

    So now I have to backup my drives, as the Case Manager told me my OS would be wiped from the system. I really HATE this idea, not due to data loss, but the fact that they'll put all the JUNK that came pre-loaded with it back on! I hate all that "gobbledy-gook" - why do they insist putting all that crap on in the first place?

    I may opt to just take it to my local Best Buy, I'm not sure yet. My hubby just came in from work and suggested I go that route. I'll keep you guys posted.


    ~*~ Miska ~*~
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    Very interesting, I know a ton of people with these laptops and not a 1 of them has had the issues you are having... I don't know what to tell you other than I hope it all works out for the better.
  • ----Miska--------Miska---- subject to change
    edited October 2006
    Thanks Sledge (et al), I appreciate your looking into this for me. :)

    Luckily, I was able to get the cd/ dvd drive to cooperate with me and was able to back up my files. I will be taking it to Best Buy sometime next week, don't want to do it this weekend because it's always packed with people during weekends and I don't wish to get in the middle of that.

    I'll keep you posted as to what happens.

    Best Regards,

    ~*~ Miska ~*~
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    You purchased the laptop from Best Buy, you say?
  • mcgluepmcgluep Gainesville, VA
    edited November 2006
    I am having the same problem Miska is having with her dvd/cd player. I ordered a dv800t customized PC and when I had my system checked on line I was told it was a dv8300. I started contacting HP online help 11/7/06. I was told my cd problem was because I did not use HP or Sony dvd/cds. The agent was sorry, but that's the way I needed to correct my problem. Was I mad, yes. I have had contact with at least 6 people from case manager to Executive Complaint and the last person I talked to basically told me I was a liar that the Case manager would not hang up on me and that they were doing everything according to the warranty. Is this how everyone is treated when they buy a HP? They also said there were no supervisors I could talk to before the case manager hung up on me. Thanks! Pat
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