Linux Semi Noob

I was Cert. in Unix in '98. Have not used it since.
Now I am thinking of going competly over to Linux. I plan on using PCLinuxOS SuperGamer, as I play City of Heros. So My questions are
01. Is Wine stable enough and good enough to use and play City of Heros? I have and AMD 1.7 gig processer and 1 gig of ram.
02. Is there software of could I use Wine to sync my palm?
03. Is this a stupid idea?
Now I am thinking of going competly over to Linux. I plan on using PCLinuxOS SuperGamer, as I play City of Heros. So My questions are
01. Is Wine stable enough and good enough to use and play City of Heros? I have and AMD 1.7 gig processer and 1 gig of ram.
02. Is there software of could I use Wine to sync my palm?
03. Is this a stupid idea?
Erm, that Wine entry is a mess, I'll see if I can clear it up but I'd not expect it to run from that. You could look into Cedega, but people generally aren't too keen on them due to their... business ethics.
I'd go with a different Linux distro though. Any distro will run Wine, no need to run a not-particually-mainstream one just because it comes with Wine.
02: Not sure but there is lots of Linux software to Sync your palm so I'd use that.
03: Erm.. no?
OK, so it will not work with Wine, yet, is there a work around the problem, so I could still use Linux?
And could you suggest a Linux distrobution for someone like myself.
I'm not sure where you stand with Linux so I'll take the easy root and just say Ubuntu (it's not a bad distro anyway, just limited due to being binaries). Distros are mainly all based around choice though, so I'd find one that you like the look of... I just don't know how well your abilities still stand.
CoH apparently does work on Cedega though:
Have Windows installed on another partition and use
It's the only surefire way to have the games run, since nobody seems to care about cross compatibility.
Make sure your bootloader entry is hidden. Call it Mandrake or something. They'll never look there, it's too softcore. Otherwise you'll piss off hardcore Linux guys... Especially those debian nuts. They'll pee all over your keyboard for blashpeming linux.
On another note, my success rate with getting grub compiled for x86-64 to load 32-bit OSes is nil. It seems to work okay on my Athlons and P3s (Gentoo and Kubuntu) but not on my AMD64 Gentoo machine.
However, KDE will make the transition much easier than a direct jump to gnome.
If you'd like to try out Kubuntu, and don't have the bandwidth to download the cd's, let me know... Canonical sent me a five pack some time ago and i've got a couple extras...
Never had a problem with 64bit Grub on my machines booting any other thing (Windows, CDs, other distros, etc). The "bitness" of Grub shouldn't have any effect on anything.