Unable to upload WU's across the board!

ShalimarShalimar Touching the Stars
edited October 2006 in Folding@Home
I am curious as to wether anybody else is having problems uploading work. I now have to my knowledge atleast 8 wu's on several pc's queued up now, downloading new work is not a problem but uploading work is another story.

Anyone else?



  • edited October 2006
    Although the only computer I can presently monitor is just my laptop here at work, I haven't run into any problems uploading on it. What server(s) do your machines seem to be having uploading to?
  • ShalimarShalimar Touching the Stars
    edited October 2006
    Hello muddocktor,

    These are the servers: X 5 WU's X 3 WU's

    And by looking at my eoc/stanford stats, it appears that another 8 pc's which are not here are having the same problem, a few of those should have turned in work as well by now.

    Switching one of the pc's over to our cable connection has proven fruitless as well. So i am guessing it is an issue with stanfords collection servers.

  • edited October 2006
    Shal, I just looked at the serverstats page and it looks like the collection server, which is server 100, must be screwed up. It's showing a very high netload (100+) but no received wu's, so it's likely that it is dead. As for server 162, it looks like it's under a high netload too (34), but it also shows 241 wu's received too, which indicates that at least it is still receiving work in. It just sounds like it is just getting too many connections at once for it to take them all in on the first try. And with the collection server down also, that just makes the load on each individual server that much greater. In normal operations with the collection server operable, if a wu can't be received successfully by the original server that assigned the work for some reason, the collection server then will pick up that wu and the original server doesn't have to deal with multiple repeat attempts.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the wu's that aren't going into server 100 also came from server 162 originally either, since that seems to be the other server you are having trouble with.
  • ShalimarShalimar Touching the Stars
    edited October 2006
    Okay then thank you for the info, oh well....i will not worry about it and keep going.

    Thank you.

  • edited October 2006
    You are very welcome, Shal. :)
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