?'s about 2.5" SATA to USB connector & LCD Screens

edited October 2006 in Hardware
Does anyone know of a SATA/IDE to USB connector that suuport 2.5" SATA drives?( Such as: http://www.bonafidereviews.com/article.php?id=149 or http://www.thinkcomputers.org/index.php?x=reviews&id=488&page=3
Every one I have seen has a 4 pin Molex connector which doesn't work for SATA drives.

I am also looking to get a LCD monitor that looks just as good or better as the Dell Laptops WUXGA with TrueLife(coating on screen). I have a Dell Laptop with those specs and the screen is soo smooth and clean. My Dell 2001FP 20" looks like crap compared to my laptop screen.
The 2001FP is grainy and not as smooth(I'm guessing the trulife coating) especially on black colors, you can see the light behind the black.

Any suggestions on these two products? I haven't seen any desktop monitors that come close to the laptop screen in any store.


  • edited October 2006
    I still haven't been able to find any product that works for the 2.5" SATA drives.

    I saw the same type of screen on a Mitsubishi Big Screen TV as well. Their diamond model. It has the nice glossy finish on top that makes the black look really smooth. I can't find it anywhere on desktop monitors.
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