My Windows XP PC cannot stop shutting down

edited October 2006 in Hardware
Hello, i would like to report a problem, that i have been having on my computer PC, which is currently being run on Windows XP. I had at first assumed it was a software problem so i went to AVG forums and did thier guideline on how to get rid of virsus and spyware affecting my computer. This did not work however and my computer continue to shutdown even after serveal probs with my anti spyware and anti virsus programining. I then formatted my computer to ensure that if it were any software problem it would be erased. I reinstalling Windows yet even after i formatted the problem still continued. My brother is good at computers, and is reapring another computer for a freind, however we have checked and replace the computers PC's, Harddrive,Ram,Graphics Card, and Power source, however the problem still presists. Even after serveal hardware changes, I sometimes get a Hpcmpmgr.exe message that says windows is shutting down, even long after taking off the auto restart option from my system recovery. The Graphic card fan on my old comp didn't work, however even after we replaced it with one that worked on my second card the PSU, since it seemed the ag graphic port didn't work it still continue happening. I have already cleaned the insides and have already determined that heat is most likely not the cause. I sometimes got a HKDSK or something to that effect that told me i might need to earase all my antispyware programs when i had my comp restart and shutdown a few times, it told me this in a blue screen before it shutted down again. It happens as a shutdown and then when i try to turn it on again it boots up for 2secs and then turn itself off, and then thurns on again, and so on and so forth. Although i am not sure of the problem i suspect it to be hardware realted.

Thank you in advance.
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