Boot Problems

edited October 2006 in Science & Tech
hello all!

Hope everyone is doing well.
I am having a problem booting into Windows.:banghead: I hope someone can help, as I am out of ideas.

I have 4 hdd's in my PC.
36GB WD Raptor (C:\) where I run Windows from
150GB WD Raptor (D:\) where I run my applications from
320GB Seagate Barracuda (E:\) where I keep my files
250GB WD Caviar (not in use by Windows)

The problems started after I tried to install Ubuntu Edgy RC to the 250GB Caviar HDD. I wanted to install Ubuntu without doing a dual boot set-up. The idea was to install it to the unused HDD(connected to SATA slot 4) and just go into the boot menu an manually choose to boot from that drive if I wanted to boot into Linux.
Before I began the Ubuntu install, I unplugged c:\ to avoid rewriting and Windows boot sectors on that HDD. I left all other HDD plugged into their original mobo slots. I then booted from CD and tried to install Ubuntu. The install seemed to go fine. I then rebooted, went into to the boot menu and chose to boot from the 250GB Caviar(SATA drive#4). Well, I could not successfully boot into linux. I then plugged in C:\(sata drive#1), and rebooted.
After POST, when it tried to load Windows I got an error "NTLDR is Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart"

If I go into the boot menu and manually choose to boot from C:\(sata drive#1), everything loads fine. But if I just choose to restart, and let the box restart on it's own, I get the error and windows will not load.

To try to fix this I booted into Recovery Console and did the following:

copy G:\i386\ntldr C:\


copy G:\i386\ C:\

(G:\ being one of my optical drives)

This did not help at all. If anyone has any ideas to correct this (and maybe also how I can install Ubuntu without doing a dual boot) I would be very grateful. This is very annoying.:grumble: Thanks to all.



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