Make .doc unmodifiable; urgent help please!

edited October 2006 in Hardware
I am hurried in this matter and need an urgent help; I would truly appreciate if you would assist me.:)

I would like to make .doc file unmodifiable; I assigned a password into "password to modify" section listed in security tab --> option --> Tool bar, but my friend could crack the password (I asked the friend to crack the password for security measure before sending the file), and I do not know other ways to make the file unmodifiable. Would you teach me the other methods? (I am using MS Office 2003)

Also, Would you be able to answer my queries below?

1. Do you recommend to use a digital signature for higher secuirty? If so, which freeware do you recommend to use for creation of the signature, other than use of selfcert.exe. (I could not afford for commercial certificate)

2. Which Privacy options listed in security tab--> option--> Tool bar do you recommend to check for higher security?

3. Which Macro security level (in the security tab) do you recommend to set for higher security; Very high-High-Medium-Low? A

*Optional: 4. Which format makes a file more unmodifiable/secure; .doc or .pdf? (If you could, would you please explain the security difference ?)

(I really apologize if I should have posted this thread in "Networking&Security" section, but would deeply appreciate if you would understand my urgency.)

Thank you for your time, assistance, and reading of this lenghened post for me! Hoping for your help!


  • airbornflghtairbornflght Houston, TX Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    just send it as a pdf.

    a pdf is not modifiable in a sense. you can make it so that you have to have a password for different things, such as hi-res printing, or even viewing.
  • edited October 2006
    Thank you airbornflght for your help and prompt response:)

    Which PDF format do you recoomend to use for higher security; PDF 1.3, 1.4, or 1.5? If you could, would you be able to explain its security difference?

    To all: Which pdf creator/editor/converter do use?

    Thank you very much:cool:
  • airbornflghtairbornflght Houston, TX Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    just run 1.5, I personally don't know the difference, but it probably has something to do with which version of the reader can open it. as far as security, I wonder what you are sending that really cant deal with the possibility of being edited, but if someone want to edit it, they are going to, about 20 different ways. Just trust me on this, it is not hard.

    About the only thing more secure you are going to do to this document is encrypt it, which would restrict viewing only to someone that is capable of decrypting it, either by cracking the key, or by knowing the key. but seriously, don't worry about it, if it is that important, then I'm not sure you should be transmitting it electronically.
  • edited October 2006
    Thank you airbornflght for your quick response:bigggrin:

    (I need to send a CD-R or other media containing the file)

    Would you be able to teach me the following also?:

    1. Makes edited hyperlink clickable in the .pdf format.
    I have several edited hyperlinks in the original .doc file, meaning:
    Shortmedia instead of, format.

    I converted the file into .pdf format by using novaPDF Pro v4.1, but the .pdf file does not recognize edited hyperlinks (though http://...format is recognized)

    Thank you airbornflght:smiles:
  • edited October 2006
    Though I could not send the file this time, I might need to in the future; would anyone be able to help me on this issue?

    Thank you all for your time and assistance!
  • mtroxmtrox Minnesota
    edited October 2006
    I'm like airborn, if your security needs are that high, don't send it electronically.

    However, there is a product that does what you want with CD-R. Check out I think the disks are like $6 a piece, but the kind of security you want isn't free. These are special CD-R's that are encrypted well. You need to know the password to read anything on the disk. But as airborn says, once you bring the .doc up on the screen, there are about 10 ways to copy and paste it somewhere else.
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