Thermalfish Is A Folding Star!
The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
Thermalfish has about run the table in the past week. It's a good thing that the milestones spread out a little from here on out, or the staff here at Milestone Central would have to give up drinking, gambling, and womanizing - there wouldn't be time for anything but posting his latest and greatest.
Awesome job, teammate!
Awesome job, teammate!
Prof, i know the secret behind his power. Yup! Thermalfish went and disabled thermal throttling on all his poor chippies.
Now he is sitting back and while his poor chippies scream for mercy.
Way to go Thorpedo Thermalfish....:ausflag:
.........Hmmm make that SSSSWWWWiiimmmmeeeennnn!!!!!
Thanks profdlp, nice to be part of the team for a great cause.
Great job!