Samsung YP-Z5 Problem, help needed.

edited November 2006 in Internet & Media
Hello all, i have just recently bought a Samsung YP-Z5 and i'm having a bit of a problem.

Basically when i first connected the mp3 player it connected normally and i went on to installing the drivers (from the CD). After installing the drivers my computer restarted without me telling it to, when it had fully loaded i plugged the YP-Z5 mp3 player back in and it just wont connect! On the screen all it says is connecting and my computer just can't find it (i have also tried it on my fathers computer, the same happens). If i pull the wire out all it says is Finishing and nothing happens.

If you could please help that would be great!
Any help will be apreciated, Thankyou!


  • edited November 2006
    I have EXACTLY the same problem. Did you end up fixing it, perhaps RMA or maybe you just gave up in the end. Please let me know as this is a pain!

  • edited November 2006
    It's the same with me!

    Would it work if you let the battery die a bit first?
  • edited November 2006
    Nope, that didn't work. I think it's a cable issue.
  • edited November 2006
    Ohh, well my Uncle showed me last night a way around it.

    Go into My Computer, and find the Removable Drives, and double click on Samsung mp3 if it's there.

    Then the USB cable should connect after that the next time you plug it in.
  • edited November 2006
    I can't find "Removable Drives," You say it's in My Computers, where exactly?
  • edited November 2006
    Actually, there isn't a "Removable Drive," LOL! I just tried the drive on my g/f's laptop and it was recognised first time. She's using Home and i'm using Pro, so whether it's an OS fault or not, i'm not too sure.

    Looks like i'll just have to install my music from her laptop from now on.
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