Best RAM for LAN PARTY NF4 Ultra-D ?

GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
edited November 2006 in Hardware
Hello there !

It's been a while since my last question around here :vimp:

As you can see in my sig, i have actually 1 gig of OCZ VX GOLD in my computer, its fast as hell and im pretty satisfied with it, but for some new stuff it's just not enough, even if its fast.

So im thinking about upgrading my ram... Im trying to get up-to-date with all the new hardware since my last search (almost a year)

4 gig of ram seems to be out of price atm , so i guess i'll go with 2 gig, what's the top of the line for my board ?

I did some search and i think this ram will do pretty well :

OCZ EL Platinum PC3200 2GB 2X1GB DDR400 CL2-3-2-5 184PIN Pin Dual Channel Memory Kit /W Ramsink

What do you think ?


  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited November 2006
    You realize that the PC4000 VX GOLD memory is the fastest DDR on the planet? Just gotta give it some voltage! Give that memory 3.2v, point a fan at it, and you'll never ever have a faster stick of DDR1.
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited November 2006
    I realize it lol

    My RAM is actually pretty overclocked at 3.1v , timings 3-2-2-8 at 500mhz

    Its fast but when i play games like Oblivion it seems like if quantity > speed sometimes because after some times the game becomes less smooth and more 'laggy'.

    But that's why i came here first, if you don't really think i'll get any better gaming experience with 2 gig of RAM, i'll stay with my VX, in 90% of the games i play this RAM totaly rocks anyway.
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited November 2006
    You're right, quantity does matter, and 2GB would really help. I guess I misread your original statement. :) I'm not sure if they ever sold the VX in 1GB sticks, but if they did, try scouring ebay for a couple of them! If they don't have it, I've heard great things about OCZ's PC4000 Platinum EL. They probably still use Samsung UCCC chips on Brainpower PCBs, and can reliably do 260 raw MHz (520DDR). :)
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited November 2006
    Nah the VX is only available in 512meg sticks, so in 1 gig dual channel.

    I've read that some overclockers tried 4x512meg VX GOLD for a total of 2gig but im pretty sure this is a bad idea... I would think it would not work at all personnaly , but it seems to work lol

    Anyway, more than two sticks of memory (or 2 kit of dual channel memory) is probably not good at all on the performance side.

    For the OCZ's PC4000 Platinum EL, yeah this ram is getting very good reviews all over the net, and its OCZ so i know i'll get what i pay for :cool:

    I'll wait and see if i can find other SM opinions.

    Thankx Thrax for the fast reply ! :vimp:
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited November 2006
    No, I agree with you, 4x512 is very bad for memory latency, and some of the older Athlon ODMCs can't handle it. 2x1GB of the PC4000 EL would be fast as hell. :D Glad I could be of assistance, and good luck in your search for new RAM.
  • lemonlimelemonlime Canada Member
    edited November 2006
    Thrax' PC4000 Platinum EL 2GB kit recommendation is a very good one. As far as I know, there is not a better 2GB kit on the market. 3-3-2 Timings are excellent for a 250MHz 2GB kit.

    I have been using 4x512MB TCCD dimms for a while. I can tell you first hand that they are very difficult to overclock and must run at 2T (unless you have an NF4 expert and are willing to tweak the heck out of them). I bought another 2x512 due to a great deal I found, otherwise I would have gone 2x1GB in a heartbeat. 2GB made a world of difference in games like Oblivion though.

    Good to see you around again, GooD! :cheers: How is the tower holding up? :D
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited November 2006
    Hey lemonlime ! :cheers:

    Hahahahah I was sure someone would talk about it , and im glad to see its you :crazy:

    My tower is still in good shape , cold temperature, wind and storm cannot destroy the source of my highspeed internet. I just wont let it happen :hitit2: I had some problems with my connection at first but it was not related to the tower, it was a problem with a well-hidden driver that you can upgrade with windows xp cd, now everything is fine 90% of the time ! Signal is pretty stable and speed is always at > 200 k/s on download. It's a lot less in upload (40 k/s overall) but in the end i have no regrets. My tower was a well worth effort lol

    I was fearing > 90 MPH wind and ligthning storm but until now everything is great, my tower dance in the wind and sing with the thunder :buck:

    The only times i had bad times with my connection is when its raining VERY VERY HARD outside. Other than that i had no problems :)

    BTW I talked about the PC4000 Platinum EL 2GB first and Thrax only told me that my choice was a good one. Seems like i know where to look to find the perfect hardware product for my needs lol

    You just confirm me the same thing so i can tell you that I WILL BUY this RAM soon :)

    The only thing i need to look for now is wich nf4 BIOS will i need to use for this RAM, damn there's a lots of BIOS for the ULTRA-D lol

    Time to dfi-street that question i think :)
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited November 2006
    lemonlime wrote:
    there is not a better 2GB kit on the market. 3-3-2 Timings are excellent for a 250MHz 2GB kit.

    Its a DDR400, why do you say its 250mhz ? i would say its stock 200mhz

    Some people say that 2GIG ram kit are very poor overlocker, you think i will be able to push this ram to 500 ? (250mhz x 2)

    Actually with this ram and my system i was thinking of those settings to try after its stable at stock speed :

    1) 290 FSB * 9 MULTIPLIER = 2610 MHZ , with a DRAM:FSB RATIO of 5:6 it gives me 237mhz, but i will try a ratio of 9:10 too , wich will gives 261mhz (x2 = 522mhz) and all of that with a 2610 mhz OC processor.

    If this work well (or not lol) i could try the same thing with a FSB of 300 and 9 multiplier , with a DRAM:FSB RATIO of 5:6 it would gives me a 245mhz ram, and a 2700mhz OC processor.

    If this ram can do ~250mhz its a winner for sure !

    Im going out of subject a little but eh, its still in a way to help me to chose the best RAM :bigggrin:

    BTW : i think im still a novice in the overclocking domain but i've learn a lot of think and just a year ago i would never have been able to understand what i just said about fsb , ratio and memory mhz lol
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited November 2006
    That PC4000 EL memory will do 260MHz (x2 = 520MHz DDR). I guarantee you that today's 2GB kits can do it. :)
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited November 2006
    Thrax wrote:
    That PC4000 EL memory will do 260MHz (x2 = 520MHz DDR). I guarantee you that today's 2GB kits can do it. :)

    If Thrax say so, then it must be true , and it's some good news for me :D
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited November 2006
    Someone told me on a forum that this RAM wont do any good at 250mhz...

    He told me that i should look for something like this :

    that's a DDR500 2GB RAM... Looks nice tough i've never use Mushkin memory before.

    If i want to do the kind of overlock i said before, will this one give me more stability ? Pushing a DDR400 to DDR500 and more will maybe lead into stability problems, maybe its safer to go with DDR500, too bad the OCZ DDR500 is discontinued lol

    I don't really care about the price, i want power and stability lol
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited November 2006
    PC4000 is DDR500, GooD. I promise you that the OCZ DDR500 will work.
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited November 2006
    LoL :)

    Why they labelled it DDR400 is its 500 ? :scratch:

    Well, ur the master around here... i'll trust you :vimp:

    I'll buy this RAM and i'll blame you if it doenst work :rockon: LoL

    Just kiddin :p
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited November 2006
    PC#### is the bandwidth rating of the memory. This number is calculated by the following:

    RAW CLOCKSPEED * 2 * 8. 250MHz * 2 = 500MHz * 8 = PC4000.

    PC4000 is 250MHz, or DDR500.
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited November 2006
    oh.... so numbers after PC have a meaning ? :clap:

    It's still weird that the label on the website says DDR400...

    But eh, my VX is PC4000 and im doing DDR500 with it :)

    Thankx for the scientific answer Thrax :thumbsup:
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited November 2006
    hum... its me again lol

    The ram i linked is a OCZ EL Platinum PC3200 2GB 2X1GB DDR400 CL2-3-2-5 184PIN Pin Dual Channel Memory Kit /W Ramsink

    PC3200 = 400mhz

    So, thrax this ram is not PC4000,

    I would need something like this ram :

    OCZ Platinum EB PC4000 2GB 2X1GB DDR500 CL3-3-2-8 184PIN DIMM Dual Channel Memory Kit W/ Ramsink

    But its discontinued :(

    Mushkin Redline XP PC4000 2GB 2X1GB DDR500 CL3-3-2-8 184PIN DIMM Dual Channel Memory Kit W/ Ramsink is realy the only way out for a good DDR500 ram now.
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited November 2006
    The RAM I'M talking about is PC4000. I was suggesting this:
    If they don't have it, I've heard great things about OCZ's PC4000 Platinum EL

    If you couldn't find 1GB sticks of OCZ 4000VX
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited November 2006

    You're true, i did not realised we were not talking of the same ram i linked in my first post... Well this RAM no longer exist. OCZ stopped the production :mad:

    Seems like every ram maker is stopping production on the PC4000 DDR500 stuff.

    I'll try to find one on net somewhere, i don't want to buy it on EBay lol
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited November 2006
    i found one kit in stock here

    But it's the first time i see this store so i dunno... lol

    newegg is out of stock, NCIX too...
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited November 2006
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited November 2006

    i cant even go to see my chart, error server not found.

    i wont buy at this place :ninja:
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited November 2006
    After more than 1 hour of searching, this RAM just cannot be found anymore... (worldwide, out of stock everywhere lol)

    Unless you want to go with EBay, but for this kind of stuff i would like more garantee.

    Seems like i will give a try to the Mushkin Redline as they are still in stock at
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited November 2006
    That Redline uses Infineon CE-5 chips; they're comparable.
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited November 2006
    Yeah there is a lot of good reviews on the net for the Redline.
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited November 2006
    I bought this RAM yesterday :

    Mushkin Redline XP PC4000 2GB 2X1GB DDR500 CL3-3-2-8 184PIN DIMM Dual Channel Memory Kit W/ Ramsink

    Since the OCZ PC4000 EL cannot be found anymore, this one was at top of the list for quality.

    I hope i will see a performance boost with this thing :bigggrin:
  • lemonlimelemonlime Canada Member
    edited November 2006
    Good choice, GooD. Should be some awesome RAM :)
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