13th? It's Going To Happen!

Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
edited November 2006 in Folding@Home
With all of our current efforts we just couldn't seem to stop the ever growing CustomPC team. Although our team has been showing signs of gaining on other teams we will drop to 13th place in the overall F@H project in just under 4 weeks. This is not something I want to admit as 12th place was even a spot I wanted us to grow from in the last year. So with that said lets move on to how our team can grow as it has been.

Recently our newest super folder the_technocrat has helped push our team with his enthusiasm and drive up almost 35K points per day... with his own folding farm and his T93 October Challenge!! now that is a huge jump which allowed us to start gaining on 2 teams. Now I know our team is growing daily but we need to push even harder to get our daily production up to at least 150K per day, once we hit this mark we can focus on the next goal of 175K per month and so on... But besides our competitive goal we need to focus on the overall goal. To use our Spare PC time to help find a cure for common diseases that Stanford University is studying.

So let’s flip the switch, click the cog and get those PC's folding...

:fold::fold::fold:~*~TEAM 93 FTW~*~:fold::fold::fold:
I also want to thank everyone folding for Team 93, you all make this team what it is and what it stands for. As said before by many others "Team isn't spelled with an I" so we need everyone in on this drive to get our Team back to the top...


  • the_technocratthe_technocrat IC-MotY1 Indy Icrontian
    edited November 2006
    right on!
  • the_technocratthe_technocrat IC-MotY1 Indy Icrontian
    edited November 2006
    I think we need to find a way around this.

    Yes, that is a 97,000 point day. (Looks like he's got a few blade racks free on the weekends)

    That's where over 27% of CustomPC's points are coming from...

    any ideas?
  • GnomeWizarddGnomeWizardd Member 4 Life Akron, PA Icrontian
    edited November 2006
    u said 13th i thought of Jan 13th my wedding
  • PirateNinjaPirateNinja Icrontian
    edited November 2006
    I think we need to find a way around this.

    Yes, that is a 97,000 point day. (Looks like he's got a few blade racks free on the weekends)

    That's where over 27% of CustomPC's points are coming from...

    any ideas?

    Wow, good for that guy. My solution is to get him to fold for us instead. If only he knew the real power of the short side.

    Other than that...I have access to a ton of computers to put this on. Literally hundreds over time. It's an issue of getting permission. I actually went out to a client's and their entires system had F@H installed. Each server, and each client. I had to take it off every machine, when really I just wanted to make a few quick configuration changes on each machine. Instead I had to wave away a good 40ghz of folding power, which was sad no matter who they folded for :(.

    The point is, the company's tech from before hand put it on there without asking. In turn he got in trouble... I can not risk the same.
  • PirateNinjaPirateNinja Icrontian
    edited November 2006
    Oh wow, I just had a great idea. I'll convince these companies I know an outstanding way to market themselves as beneficiary to the public. I'll charge them to setup and install a program that will use every spare kilowatt of power they use for computing to cure cancer. They can then use that is a marketing scheme, and I can use it to help Team 93. Sometimes I feel smart, sometimes. Chances are though, this will not work.
  • KrazeyivanKrazeyivan Newcastle, UK
    edited November 2006
    I think we need to find a way around this.

    Yes, that is a 97,000 point day. (Looks like he's got a few blade racks free on the weekends)

    That's where over 27% of CustomPC's points are coming from...

    any ideas?

    Yeah Inpharm had a good day I believe it was due to the cores the farm was processing....

    It appears he had quite a few p212X GROMACS units finish (they are worth over double the points of the usual p18XX AMBERS he has been returned).

    On our folding page he kindly posted a pic of some of the boxes powering the fantastic numbers. Apparently the first, last and middle 3 units are the power and AC.

    And we are not past Short Media yet, the folding drive here has been great, lets see us both in the top ten! :clap:
  • the_technocratthe_technocrat IC-MotY1 Indy Icrontian
    edited November 2006
    Oh wow, I just had a great idea. I'll convince these companies I know an outstanding way to market themselves as beneficiary to the public. I'll charge them to setup and install a program that will use every spare kilowatt of power they use for computing to cure cancer. They can then use that is a marketing scheme, and I can use it to help Team 93. Sometimes I feel smart, sometimes. Chances are though, this will not work.

    This actually isn't a bad idea. I've been trying, but people either don't want to let me in their Active Directory to deploy F@H, or they think F@H is spyware...

    In any case, don't forget to tell them that you can have it run at less than 100% processor capacity, and you can push it out very easily using the method I describe in my sig via AD/GPO... none of their staff need to be bothered with it...
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