REpair of WindowsXP stuck in SETUP mode. Unable to cancel/exit setup.

ZachorayZachoray Sachse, TX
edited December 2006 in Science & Tech
Windows Guru: I need your assistance please.

Possible Virus problem; to buddy can fix it; to WindowsXP unable to complete setup/exit to run anything. I will explain.

Ok.... computer was running fine, but started to really move slow. So, I rebooted. Presto, hardware devices vanished and my wallpaper gone. Ok, went online at a friends and was advised to try running a few anti-spyware programs...
Executed AdWare
Executed HiJackThis
Unable to Execute AVG because Windows installer had the following error;

"The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personell for assistance."

I was not in SafeMode, and after running the anti-virus programs, I did a reboot as per requested.

Upon reboot my system seems to pause..... Took an ab-normal length of time to initialize the system and once my WindowsXP login screen came up, I was given the following error after login input;

"A problem is preventing windows from accurately checking the license for this computer. Error code: 0x80004005"

I was unable to get into anything, only SafeMode but with no devices and limited fuctions.
At this point, my buddy thinks he can come to the rescue with his XP CD. Went to Microsoft Windows help online and was instructed to do the following as a possible fix. Use XP CD to reboot and hit R to repair and run "I think" recovery console. Instructed;

Rename the following files by using the REN command. To do this, type REN File_Name.extension File_Name.old at the command prompt.
• Wpa.dbl
• Pidgen.dll
• Actshell.html
• Licdll.dll
• Regwizc.dll
• Licwmi.dll
• Wpabaln.exe
Note In the previous command, File_Name.extension represents the new file name. Additionally, File_Name.old represents the old file name.
9. Type the drive letter of the CD drive together with a colon, and then press ENTER. For example, you type D:, and then press ENTER.
10. Type cd i386, and then press ENTER.
11. Type the following commands individually. Press ENTER after each command. • Expand licwmi.dl_%Systemroot%\System32
• Expand regwizc.dl_%Systemroot%\System32
• Expand licdll.dl_%Systemroot%\System32
• Expand wpabaln.ex_%Systemroot%\System32
• Expand wpa.db_%Systemroot%\System32
• Expand actshell.ht_%Systemroot%\System32
• Copy pidgen.dll%Systemroot%\System32

Type Exit, and then press ENTER to restart the computer.

Ok, did all that... didn't help

Next I installed the Recovery Console to my system with success.

Well, I finnally stumbled upon and posted a thread in the "Spyware-Virus Removal forum"... During which time my buddy decided to use his XP CD to "REpair Windows XP" by using this disc. Managed to proceed through most of the setup, of re-install of XP Home and at the end it stopped because it said that another OS was running on the partition. I stopped him there.... checked with my father(from which I got the computer) and he revealed to me that WindowsXP Professional was installed not WindowsXP Home Edition.... crap

The Spyware forum directed me to you.

And thats pretty much where I am at now. Oh, and my monitor just went out, so I have to get another one. lol

My system: Dell Dimension 8100
Intel Pentium 4 1500mhz
WindowsXP PRO

Thanks for any assistance. My dad tryed to find the original XP PRO CD for this computer, but was unsuccessful. I was able to download most of my DATA files through command prompt and an external harddrive.



  • ZachorayZachoray Sachse, TX
    edited November 2006
    Oh, and I did try and execute the "Repair Windows in 8 Commands"
    Seemed to execute with success however, no change on be able to run windows, it is still wanting to continue with setup and will not exit/terminate setup.

  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited December 2006
    First, I'd like to thank you for PMing me. :) This thread is something of a doozy, so I'll see what I can do.

    It's good that you managed to back up your data, as most people don't know how/don't even do it at all. My question to you is this:

    Where is the Windows XP setup routine currently stopping at? At the screen with a deep blue background with grey/white text, or on the screens that look more like windows itself where it's configuring devices and removing temporary files?

    I'll be blunt and say that you're stuck between a rock and a hard place without that Windows XP Pro disc; at this point, as you've already undergone an aborted repair install, you can't load an OS even if we were able to fix what ailed you in your prior issue at the start of the post. Since a repair install was started, all your system files are gone, meaning they need to be replaced, and the only way to do that is via a repair install or a reformat, both of which you would need the XP Pro disc for. If you still have the license key for XP Pro, you can call Microsoft (1-800-Microsoft) and see if they won't send you a new disc based on your valid CD key.
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