Open another pc desktop remotely

I can't remember which program I used to use to manage the farm at school so I'd like help finding the right way to connect to another pc so that I can take over the desktop. This way I won't have to disconnect and reconnect the monitor, keyboard and whatever.
The workgroup and all that is set up I just need the command ...I had it as a shortcut but that was a few years ago.
Any help is appreciated.
The workgroup and all that is set up I just need the command ...I had it as a shortcut but that was a few years ago.
Any help is appreciated.
I used to use real vnc on my farm. It was slow opening and glitchy and if any new ip's got assinged it was a pain figuring out what is going on. For the past couple years I have been using XP's built in Remote desktop . Works great, no extra software. And looks for computers by name, not IP. which is handy if your router hands out new ip's.
To set it up, first turn it on on each machine( "/system properties/ remote ") and be sure to check "allow user to change files" or something to that effect. I have 6 boxen in the back room that have not had a keyboard, mouse or monitor on them in years. the borg farm.
I would suggest using vnc instead of Remote Desktop. It is cross-platform and very efficient. I am using it everywhere, I mean, on countless number of computers with mixed operating systems, Linux, Windows (2K, XP, Server 2003), etc at home and work. You can download the plain version here. There are many other flavors if you search on Google. If you are using over the internet (i.e. not in your local network) I highly recommend forwarding the VNC ports over SSH instead of opening the VNC port on the firewall.
Good luck