ZOMG Help Techie Stumped

edited December 2006 in Hardware
Story: Ok so yesterday I was starting up my windows, everything loaded and than my avg said it found a virus. I said :whatever: , as i read on i noticed it said winlogon.exe had a virus or it was a virus. Very well knowing this is a windows file I decide to hit heal instead of quar. or delete. The sec I hit heal my computer shutdown, almost instant.... fastest I have ever seen it gone >.> Anyways it is restarting get past the windows loading screen goes to a black screen for about 1 second maybe 2 and than restarts. This continues endlessly unless i shut it down manually. I have tryed everything I can think of. Repair, replaced the kernels, I am about to do the auto windows self guided registry cleaner, and I am going to do the manual one too just in case. I have tryed the windows recovery 8 commands and no luck. Also ever since I did the repair, I know sometimes get a blue windows xp screen saying its restarting the repair. I have tryed redoing the repair serval times. Also when I did the chkdsk command it says there are multiply problems.... :rant: I am about to do all my utlities test and and the memtester thingy. I will tell you the results of those. I was thinking maybe if i could replace the winlogon or something around there or that line. Maybe it is something. I will try anything.I just really don't want to loose my stuff, music, games, work, networking files, artwork, etc Specially when i finally just got oblivion working right with all the mods XDXDXD Normal I can fix alot of stuff and I have tryed alot of stuff but I am totally stumped on this one. I have looked up alot of stuff for this and tryed that stuff too, I think I know how to replace the file, delete and copy it. Just to make sure can you guys tell me, or if you have any other suggestions. Thankx U Guys Are :Rocker:


  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited December 2006
    Just let us know how memtest and DFT work out for you. The fact that the repair doesn't even work miffs me a little.
  • edited December 2006
    Same here man, I know I am not that techincally but **** I know I know alot more than other people and if I don't know it I can teach it to myself. I am teaching myself C++ / have taught myself still am, but taking a break till schools out. I am only 16 too and I know this stuff, I am a CCNA and I am going for my CCNP know - Cisco Certified Networking Associates/Professional, i have screwed up windows enougth or it has screwed up on me enougth I know stuff like this XD. So what I am trying to say unless it is uber hightec or something along those lines I usually know it. Well i guess to say to learn you must experence, bit still I am totally stumped as you are and even if I am stumped, the basic replacing of the files should have worked, right ? I really doubt its any hardware failures, I know its not my video card, and if its my sound card it shouldn't affect it, not my pw supply I know that because its been sitting in Recovery Mode for awhile know. Like I said i will run those test just incase, but this is so bugging me, on top of me not wanting to loose stuff. I mite have already doing the repair or fixmbr, i hope not though. Back to test please help though guys :)
  • FoldingAddictFoldingAddict Montgomery, AL
    edited December 2006
    Have you tried an actual repair installation of XP? I mean not using the recovery console or anything like that. But when you pop in the XP install CD and it gets to the first menu, hit enter then R. If you HAVE tried that, then I'm at a loss too. You can always toss another drive in the machine, load windows to that and then pull your data off that way.

  • edited December 2006
    yes i have actually...i kinda said that np tho better safe than sorry ya know?
  • FoldingAddictFoldingAddict Montgomery, AL
    edited December 2006
    If that be the case I think you are probably out of options for actually repairing windows. Now you should probably focus on recovering your data rather than windows.

  • edited December 2006
    eeek an other adive out there XD or any other ideas, maybe I can rewrite the file winlogon ???
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited December 2006
    Copy it from the i386 directory on the XP CD to C:\, rename it from winlogon.ex_ to .exe, then copy it again to the system32 directory after you've deleted the corrupt one.

    It might not work.

    You should be backing up your data on another computer and wiping the drive, realistically speaking.
  • edited December 2006
    can u give me detailed way of doing this, don't want to screw it up :thumbsup:
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited December 2006
    go to the windows recovery console.

    C:\WINDOWS> cd system32
    C:\windows\system32>del winlogon.exe
    [x: is whatever your cd-rom is]
    X:\>cd i386
    X:\i386>copy winlogon.ex_ c: (it might be c:\)
    C:\>ren winlogon.ex_ winlogon.exe
    C:\>copy winlogon.exe c:\windows\system32
  • edited December 2006
    no luck
  • TroganTrogan London, UK
    edited December 2006
    I haven't read the whole thread, so please forgive me. AVG recently had a false positive where it detected winlogon.exe as a malicious file. Don't know if this will help, but I will post it anyway...
    Unfortunately, this issue is caused by the false detection on particular version of "winlogon.exe" file. The false detection has been immediately fixed, however several users may have updated their AVG to this virus update containing this false definition. In order to solve this unpleasant issue, please proceed as follows:

    1. Boot your computer to Safe mode. Power on (or restart) your computer, keep pressing F8 key until the Startup menu appears and choose "Windows in Safe Mode".

    2. In the Windows Safe mode, navigate to following folder:


    3. Rename rename the following files to avoid furhter deleting of "winlogon.exe".


    4. Launch Registry Editor (regedit.exe) and remove the "__delete" value in the right pane from this key:


    5. Restart the computer back to Windows normal mode

    6. Update your AVG program to latest virus base version. Launch AVG or open AVG Control Center and press F9 key to update your AVG.

    7. Then rename the SYS files back to their original names


    8. Restart your computer for to get AVG Resident shield loaded again

    The problem should be solved now.

    Please note that this issue may happen on a very old Windows XP systems without any Service Packs. This issue doesn't appear on Windows XP Service Pack 1 or Service Pack 2. Therefore we strongly recommend to update your Windows XP to Service Pack 2, not only to get your computer secure. Visit [www.windowsupdate.com] to get the latest critical security patches for your operating system.

    Please accept our apologies for this inconvenience.
    Source: AVG Forum
  • edited December 2006
    Now the question is how do I do that because I can't load any mode, safe mode, debugging, vga, etc. Is there a way to do it in recovery console? Also for more info guys it is not a hardware issue, ran every test i could. Also know chkdsk is picking up the error anymore, last I say, now it gets past the windows loading screen. It gets to the windows screen with text saying it is restarting the repair, and it continues in the endless lope. I have tired redoing the repair but no luck. I have a feeling this avg thing will work. If I can do it in recovery console some how....also any other ideas or suggestion guys???
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