Scored Dell 20.1" Widescreen & So Can You!
California Icrontian
Okay here was the deal, I sold my PC and was looking for a Cheap 20.1 Inch LCD so I can have a 2nd Monitor on my Laptop when I need it. I went to Dell and checkout the Dell outlet and found the cheapest one to be $399 bucks "Ouch" so I than looked at the brand new monitors and found the same one for $289. It was than I got a pop up saying all monitors are 10% of right now so that shaved an extra $28 off the price and than I saw payapl offered $20 money back on orders over $50 so that was $48 off that price. I than went to check out to see the Dell offered free shipping "Woot" so overall I got a brand new 20.1" Dell with 3 year warranty for $264.00 shipped.
....Oh, sorry Sledge...... as you were!
Nice find!