My file are hidden/lost but the byte is still there (no format)

suh4ilasuh4ila In Camera
edited January 2007 in Hardware

Can somebody help me?

I use 512MB SD card for my Nokia N70.

i stored many data like pics, vids, application and messages in there. Until one sad day, all of them "disappear". At that time i have used about 400MB. When i check the memory details.. it shows that the file should still be there coz the free space left is 100+MB, used 400+MB.

Where did it go?

I tried scan it with Norton AVG using my laptop (through card reader) but no virus, spyware etc detected. Even when browse the SD card using my laptop, it'll show no file..

I recall my last dlod prior to this incident is rgo.viewer, yMobile, sms Reminder...


i hope this can be resolved without the need to format my SD. is there such way?



  • suh4ilasuh4ila In Camera
    edited December 2006
    maybe i post at wrong categories... or maybe there's no one care enough to reply.. or maybe no one know the solution... hmm.. then FORMAT IT IS. DUH!
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited December 2006
    If you haven't formatted already, see if PhotoRec will help. :)
  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited December 2006
    Were you able to recover the data? If not, don't format the disc. You'll need to run data recovery software on it to recover the data.

    We can go into more detail but (I) would like to know if this is an issue you're still pursuing first.
  • suh4ilasuh4ila In Camera
    edited January 2007
    Hi there..

    Thanks for the reply.

    Here's my update:

    1. I havent format the disc

    2. I'd dlod the PhotoRec. But i doubt it can be used to recover my removable disc (SD card) since the spec given are likely for a PC's disc. Moreover it runs in BIOS which im not very familiar..

    3. However, i found this software > Flash Memory Card Data Recovery and it can detect all my "lost" files. However i cant recover it since i'm using a trial version... Duh!

    So i was hoping someone (like Pterocarpous maybe?) can give me a software like that but a freeware one? :-/
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited January 2007
    Try PC Inspektor's Smart Recovery. Its freeware.
  • RyderRyder Kalamazoo, Mi Icrontian
    edited January 2007
    There are also 2-3 programs here for file recovery:
  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited January 2007
    Unfortunately, if none of the freeware works you will have to spend $ in order to recover your data. Whether you are willing to do that will depend upon, like for most people, how much you value your data. The good news is it looks as though the data is recoverable. You are a very lucky duck in that respect.

    My recommendation is to purchase the software (if necessary) and to treat this experience as a valuable lesson learned regarding the importance of backing up you data.

    It is a good practice to always keep in the back of your mind that it is not IF but WHEN your computer or computer-related equipment will fail. Approach protection of your data w/ that in mind. Unless your data is on fixed read-only media (e.g. a CD-R or DVD-R disc) it is at risk! Back it up and/or duplicate it somewhere else (frequently). Prevention is a lot cheaper (and easier on your peace of mind) than the alternative.

    Good Luck! :thumbsup:
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