Upgrading HD: Raid 0 7200 rpm or single 10k rpm for best peformance?

edited December 2006 in Hardware
I need to upgrade my harddrive soon because 80 gigs isn't cutting it anymore but i thought i'd try to upgrade my HD performance at the same time.

A while back i looked into the whole raid 0 thing but that was at least 2 or 3 years ago and i don't know if much has changed. I remember back then that a lot of people were saying that raid 0 really didn't do anything for games (which is my main concern) but i also didn't have a SATA motherboard back then, only IDE. So my question is, would I notice a notice a nice performance boost if i got a couple of 7200 rpm harddrives set up in raid 0 with dual SATA or would I likely save myself a lot of headache and still get a comparable performance boost by just buying a single 10k raptor? Thanks.


  • edited December 2006
    I realize now that the original post is pretty bloated. Basically would getting a 10,000 rpm drive like a WD Raptor yield the same type of performance boost as if I had bought a couple of 7200 rpm drives and set them up in Raid-0?
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