HELP, Something's wrong with my CPU's performance!

edited December 2006 in Hardware
Take a look at these..

my cpu:


my memory sticks;


Someone said my memory might be causing my CPU to perform poorly too because not both the memories run at the same speed.

My PC:

3DMark Score 5858 3DMarks
CPU Score 3334 CPUMarks
CPU Name Intel Pentium 4 3352 MHz
CPU String Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz
FSB 210 MHz
Video Memory 256 MB
Core Clock 475 MHz <- oc'd from 430
Memory Clock 1464 MHz <- oc'd from 1300

a similar pc:

3DMark Score 5871 3DMarks
CPU Score 4652 CPUMarks

CPU Name Intel Pentium 4 3392 MHz
CPU String Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.40GHz
FSB 200 MHz
Video Memory 256 MB
Core Clock 12 MHz <- probably 3dmark website mistake
Memory Clock 1255 MHz

His CPU performs so much better than mine man..his CPU is probably Prescott but i doubt the extra 512kb L2cache makes that much of a difference.
There's something wrong with my CPU :/ My CPU is holding my VideoCard back so much :(

Does anyone have an idea why my CPU is performing so poorly? :(


  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited December 2006
    I hope you benchmark with all that ram-gobbling junk in your system tray turned off. I see spyware doctor, MSN, panda AV, an audigy control panel. All of those are hammering your CPU 24/7.

    You need to be benchmarking with 15-20 active processes, and no explorer.exe running.
  • edited December 2006
    Thank you for replying Thrax.
    When I benchmark; yes I don't have all those things in my system tray but I do have explorer and a bunch of other stuff.. I'll try to benchmark again with no explorer and hardly any processes :D

    I'll let you know how it goes! Stay tuned! :necro:
  • edited December 2006
    ok I updated my 3dmark05 score.. you can clearly see how much CPU affects your GPU. My CPU is bottlenecking my GPU like crazy :/

    What could I do to fix this?
  • RWBRWB Icrontian
    edited December 2006
    Links to the 3D Mark logs would be nice for both systems.

    Also... it could be a fluke in his test for the CPU.
  • edited December 2006
    done :)
  • RWBRWB Icrontian
    edited December 2006
    Hrm.... try this... take out the kingston memory... and run only with the two corsair sticks. Does you're motherboard support Dual Channel Mode? If so run it like that becuase right now you are definitly not running Dual Channel which I could see possibly giving these results. Plus the corsair is running a much better latency timing.
  • RWBRWB Icrontian
    edited December 2006
    Also I just looked at the tests and I see that the friends computer must have run a full test and you ran the free downloaded test, he has the fill rate and other other tests completed... I am not 100% sure on this but perhaps his score is different because of these other tests being completed. But I am kind of half and half on that idea.
  • edited December 2006
    yes my motherboard supports dual channel. I'll try doing the test without the kingston stick
  • edited December 2006
    Thanks allot RWB, what you told me increased my score quite a bit. :D
    I ran the test without the kingston ram.

    New score is:
    3DMark Score 6105 3DMarks
    CPU Score 3694 CPUMarks

    a similar pc:
    DMark Score 6121 3DMarks
    CPU Score 3893 CPUMarks

    CPU Name Intel Pentium 4 3207 MHz
    CPU String Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20 GHz

    It seems his CPU still outperforms me quite a bit while having a lower speed.. could this be because his p4 might be a Prescott and mine is Northwood?
  • RWBRWB Icrontian
    edited December 2006
    I am not too sure, I would think so. So I looked up a compairison...

    This specific page shows some benchmarks and images for them, all in all there is not a huge difference, but if you look at the speed which you're currently running you can clearly see a difference especially in the PC Mark CPU benchmark where the prescott performed a bit better. Look at the second image, at the 3.4GHz range... see how the separate?

    Here are a couple more points to ponder...
    The timings your memory is running vs. the friend's PC... I don't know
    The clock multiplier and FSB are not identical between your computer and your friend's.

    Also I just noticed that your Processor was running 3352MHz before and your most recent bench was 3207MHz.
  • RWBRWB Icrontian
    edited December 2006
    umm... these benches aren't lining up for me.

    Originally you said...
    My PC:
    3DMark Score 5858 3DMarks
    CPU Score 3334 CPUMarks
    CPU Name Intel Pentium 4 3352 MHz
    CPU String Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz
    FSB 210 MHz
    Video Memory 256 MB
    Core Clock 475 MHz <- oc'd from 430
    Memory Clock 1464 MHz <- oc'd from 1300

    a similar pc:
    3DMark Score 5871 3DMarks
    CPU Score 4652 CPUMarks
    CPU Name Intel Pentium 4 3392 MHz
    CPU String Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.40GHz
    FSB 200 MHz
    Video Memory 256 MB
    Core Clock 12 MHz <- probably 3dmark website mistake
    Memory Clock 1255 MHz

    But in your last post you say your friend's PC has the 3.2GHz Prescott?
  • edited December 2006
    My processor was and is at 3352.. it's the guy's processor that's running at 3207. : D
  • edited December 2006
    I meant I THINK that he has a prescott. I don't know for sure, and the guy is not my friend it's just a similar pc that is 1 rank above me.
  • RWBRWB Icrontian
    edited December 2006
    I see, so in the below post here you're talking about someone else not from the original post, that makes sense.
    genji wrote:
    Thanks allot RWB, what you told me increased my score quite a bit. :D
    I ran the test without the kingston ram.

    New score is:
    3DMark Score 6105 3DMarks
    CPU Score 3694 CPUMarks

    a similar pc:
    DMark Score 6121 3DMarks
    CPU Score 3893 CPUMarks

    CPU Name Intel Pentium 4 3207 MHz
    CPU String Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20 GHz

    It seems his CPU still outperforms me quite a bit while having a lower speed.. could this be because his p4 might be a Prescott and mine is Northwood?

    As for why he is getting a high CPU score... could be many reasons, what is his FSB at? We also can probably go with memory latency difference and such too since I think that accounts for the CPU score as well. I don't know what your memory latency is like nor his/hers.
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited December 2006
    Does that motherboard you're using have 4 DIMM slots? Were you using only 3?
  • edited December 2006
    yeah it has 4 memory slots.

    Here's a pic of my motherboard:

    Do I have to put my dual channel ram sticks in the blue ones or something? Right now I just have them next to eachother; 1 in the blue and 1 in the black.

  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited December 2006
    Two things:
    1. You can only use two or four sticks at a time.
    2. Blue and blue / black and black.

    You were slaughtering your CPU's memory bandwidth by disabling dual-channel memory w/ three sticks.
  • edited December 2006
    ah I didn't know about that ><. brb I'm gonna put the sticks in blue blue.

    ps. thx allot guys, this is helpin allot :D
  • edited December 2006
    mmmmmk i ran the test again with a ramstick in each black slot:
    3DMark Score 6309 3DMarks
    CPU Score 4004 CPUMarks

    Ok let's say I wanna upgrade to 2GB ram.. do I have to get another dualchannel pair rams like the corsair ones i have in my system atm?
    Or can i get any ram as long as they're the same?
  • RWBRWB Icrontian
    edited December 2006
    genji wrote:
    *edit* I just noticed that my CPU's core got reset to 3.2ghz from 3.361 or something. I'm gonna run it once more and update this ><

    tehe... told ya! :crazy:

    As for dual channel, you want 2 or 4 identical DIMM's of memory. For example, two more 512MB PC3200 sticks of Corsair memory like what you have. However... you may take a nominal performance hit becuase running 4 DIMM's is harder than running 2. The Command Rate gets bumped from 1T to 2T, in my case when I had 4 DIMM's I was getting something like 5000MBps memory(I don't remember the actual amount) bandwitdh, and when I ran two sticks I got like 5200MBps, so it's not much but you seem to be the type that wants every bit of performance he can get. So if you want 2GB of memory, it would be best to only run 2 identical sticks of 1GB memory vs. 4 512MB sticks. Sell off the 512MB sticks. That's what I would do.
  • edited December 2006
    ya.. but I'm not really gonna spend too much.. so i gotta find someone to buy these sticks if I'm gonna get 2 identical ram sticks.

    The reason i don't wanna spend too much is that Instead of upgrading this old pc I could save and buy new board etc :/

    btw if anyone has any idea of any other tweaks/oeing I could do with my ram/cpu lemme know 'cause it still bothers me that people have higher score than me without oc'ing their video card/cpu :mouldy:
  • edited December 2006
    I was getting 30~70 fps in CS: Source with my system before today. Now i get 60~120.

    I'm very happy woot, thx guys :celebrate

    Tomorrow im gonna tweak my windows XP with (get TweakGuides Tweaking Companion).

    That guy's guides are insane lol, I highly recommend checking it out. That TweakGuides Tweaking Companion he wrote is 175 pages haha
  • RWBRWB Icrontian
    edited December 2006
    Yeah I used those guides several times in the past, god knows how many times I have read them and always found something new I didn't catch the time before.
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