IE 7 Closes once 7th tab is opened
Wichita Falls, TX
For some odd reason, on my Mom's computer in the profile she's created for me in Windows, IE 7 will close once the 7th tab is opened. She did have MyWebSearch (Cursor Mania) installed, but I removed that.
Any idea why IE 7 would close with no error like that?
It seems to more random than anything else. It is extremely annoying for IE to close and I'm doing several things on this and other forums and browsing newegg.
I am running an Ad-Aware scan on the computer right now. Oh and its been 2 years, 2 months (10/09/2004) since I last installed Windows for her when she got a new hard drive to replace the old one that was dying.
Any idea why IE 7 would close with no error like that?
It seems to more random than anything else. It is extremely annoying for IE to close and I'm doing several things on this and other forums and browsing newegg.
I am running an Ad-Aware scan on the computer right now. Oh and its been 2 years, 2 months (10/09/2004) since I last installed Windows for her when she got a new hard drive to replace the old one that was dying.
--Thinking out loud--
Why does it seem I don't get answers to some of my thread?
edit: C:\documents and settings\usernamehere\microsoft\internet explorer
I think thats where its located, I don't have windows on any of my machines anymore so I can't really confirm if its there or not.
Thanks, I did that. I was about to ask how to do that.