new wrestling game

jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
edited January 2007 in Gaming
anyone here play the new SD vs Raw 2007?


  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited December 2006
    anyone? cause I have question for someone that does on the game controls.
  • TroganTrogan London, UK
    edited December 2006
    I have the game and yes the controls have been changed since the last game. You can get the orginal controls by going to Options and selecting Type D.

    Would that have been your question?
  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited December 2006
    lol trog, i would never of guess you play SD and yes that is my question..only thing is on type D..does that change grappling options back to the directional pad and not the analog sticks?
  • TroganTrogan London, UK
    edited December 2006
    Yep! Try it yourself and see. :D
  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited December 2006
    thanks alot trog!:) only thing is exactly do you do grapples with it like do you press circle (O) then the direction on the pad then press circle AGAIN with a different direction on the pad or what? does each direction (left right up down) do different grapples etc?
  • TroganTrogan London, UK
    edited December 2006
    Can't remember right now, sorry. Been two weeks since I last played.
  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited January 2007
This discussion has been closed.