MIPS/Assembly - Output in binary

BarataPTBarataPT Rio-Meão, Portugal
edited December 2006 in Internet & Media
Hi there,

I have to make a program in Assembly using the MIPS architecture to multiply two single floating point numbers. This was very simple if i was not told to NOT use floating point insctructions.

I started to store in co-processor 1 and then move the value to a register in main processor. Here it is what i have done so far:

mask: 0x7F800000


# Reads the number for $f0 (single floating point) and then i move it for a main processor register

read :li $v0, 6
mfc1 $a0, $f0

#this code is to extract from the floating point number only the exponent using the and insctrution i create a mask with "1" with 8 bits (as you should know single floating point representation is 32 bits - 1 bit for signal, 8 for exponent and the last 23 for significand)

exp: lw $t0, mask
and $a1, $t0, $a0
srl $t1, $a1, 23

This works all fine, cause i checked the Hexa-Decimal values and it were correct, but now my problem is how can i output that values in binary format.

For example in the register $a0 is F8, i want to output 1111 1000

Thanks in advice, and sorry for my bad english, i'm from Portugal :wink:


  • KyleKyle Lafayette, LA New
    edited December 2006
    I don't know of a one-line way to use syscall to output a value in binary, but here's an idea:
    • Shift the value right 7 times (so that most significant bit is at the least significant spot, fill with zeros)
    • Apply a mask to isolate the least significant bit ($t2 = $a0 AND 0x01)
    • Output the resulting byte (should just be 0 or 1)
    • Repeat, shifting only 6 times, then 5, and so on

    Wouldn't that work? I don't remember how outputting works and if it drops down to a new line after each syscall or not. If it doesn't make a new line you should just be able to output each bit sequentially like that.
  • BarataPTBarataPT Rio-Meão, Portugal
    edited December 2006
    Very good idea man, now it works perfect :D

    Only one thing when you say to shift 7 times for exponent, is not 7 but 30 cause you have to read from right to left the number and then i continue shifthing til 22 (8 bits for exponent) and doing the "and" to extract the "1" or "0", and then it works perfect...

    Many thanks
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