Deleteing Videos from Sansa

V-PV-P State College, PA Member
edited January 2007 in Internet & Media
So I got the Sandisk Sansa and I put two videos on it plus the demos, but I can't remove them. I tried to remove them through Sansa software and WMP but niether shows videos already on it, so I had to format and re-transfer all my songs.


  • GargGarg Purveyor of Lincoln Nightmares Icrontian
    edited January 2007
    Did you try changing it to MSC mode in the USB settings? If it's in MSC mode, it'll show up like a regular drive when you plug it in, and you should be able to delete, move, rename - anything you want.
  • V-PV-P State College, PA Member
    edited January 2007
    Nope, Didn't think of it. It Worked, thanks a bunch!
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