Milton Keynes UK
Please be courteous when promoting Short-Media Forums by not spamming other web sites with your referral link just to gain referrals.
Not sure what constitutes spamming
I would like to use a link to folding @ home and to Short Media in my signature on another forum, would this be spamming
Thanks for your help
Most other forums are much more amenable to this sort of thing if you approach a mod over there and ask first. An explanation of what the link actually points to is usually helpful, too. There are some who think that FAH is some grand money-making scheme for Stanford, so clearing that up might help. (Believe it or not, there are some research projects like this which are run by For-Profit organizations...)
Q and prof got the rest - all forums have different standards
Keebs - re the links I thought to just use text with a hypo to joinfolding com and the same for SM - would this be ok?
Enjoy your holiday in Highlands/Lowlands of Scotland