Help finding the perfect laptop bag

CaffeineMeCaffeineMe Cedar Rapids, IA
edited January 2007 in Hardware
Greetings all!

I carry a laptop back and forth to work, and also would like to be able to pack clothes (incl. a pair of size 13 shoes) so that I can work out over my lunch hour (New Year's resolution and all that). Currently, I've got my laptop bag, my gym bag, cup of coffee, and anything else I carry into the building in the morning...I'm so loaded down, I feel like all I'm missing is a purse with my makeup in it to complete the picture of total sissification. A guy should be able to put EVERYTHING into one bag and be done with it. :headbange

So...what have members found that works for a decent laptop bag that also carries a fair amount of gear at the same time? Thanks!



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