Windows Update Problem

I keep getting a reminder that an update is available for:
MSXML 4.0 SP2 Security Update (KB927978)
Every day this comes up even after I've installed this update. I've tried restarting immediately after the installation was complete, and shutting down and leaving the computer off for a few hours. But that little update keeps making itself known after its been installed every single day. Any thoughts?
I keep getting a reminder that an update is available for:
MSXML 4.0 SP2 Security Update (KB927978)
Every day this comes up even after I've installed this update. I've tried restarting immediately after the installation was complete, and shutting down and leaving the computer off for a few hours. But that little update keeps making itself known after its been installed every single day. Any thoughts?
Go there and download the Dial-a-fix program. Hit the double green check box when you first open the program, then run all the fixes. When you're done with that, hit the hammer icon and select the "Reset permissions" tool, run that as well. When that finishes, go back to the main DAF screen, hit the double green checks again, and re-run DAF. Reboot and try the MSXML installer again.