Great PHP/SQL book!

RWBRWB Icrontian
edited January 2007 in Internet & Media
When I went to college for Digital Media, I focused on the visual stuff more than the others so I didn't pay enough attention to my Advanced Web Design courses which would have saved me much heartache on re-educmacating myself on the subjects of like PHP and SQL. I have probably bought 10 books since then in which I stopped after a couple chapters, maybe the 6th on PHP Programming for Games I think it was called. All due to my very short attention span and impatience in learning the subject.

For those like me, GET THIS BOOK! It's from Sitepoint and it's called "Build your own Database Driven Website Using PHP and MySQL" and it has in a couple days done for me more than all those other books! I cannot stress how simple they make it out to be and now I am wondering what the hell was so difficult. I mean I still have a ways to go in knowing more, but I've already begun my own CMS(content management system) for my work which I have been trying to do for a very long while now.

I found it at Fry's when I was hunting for a book I needed immediately to replace the XML design I was doing before this that wasn't really cutting it. So I have 3 books from Sitepoint, all great in their own ways but this one is the one I must say you need if you wanna get into PHP and SQL quick before you're brain looses interest.

I also must say... I've had trouble with other books in that the code they give OFTEN do not work as written for whatever reason. Which is good in one way that I have to try figuring it out. But I don't have time for that.

That's all I must say, except the last book I bought for setting up a LAMP server I bought through their site and got a nifty Linux Wallpaper with allot of commands on it. Looks nice & clean.

And... No I am no SHILL! :beer:


  • ButtersButters CA Icrontian
    edited January 2007
    Thanks for the link, I've always taken an interest recommended books. Maybe there should be a book club here.. lol.. anyway.. I downloaded the sample chapters to see what it covers, and though its not what I need, I was curious as what else sitepoint has to offer....

    I'm actually considering the OOP PHP & take a look at the AJAX book.. I'll try to further investigate the contents, but I haven't found a decent book that covers the transition from procedural progamming to OOP, these might be worthwhile.

    Nice find.
  • edited January 2007
    thanks for the links. i'm interested in that ajax book. we use ajax a lot here but the only references we have are random websites. call me crazy, but i love paper books.

    are these 'cookbooks' (just give big chunks of example code with little explanation) or do they explain the language and give examples of design and code structure?
  • RWBRWB Icrontian
    edited January 2007
    The books I have bought so far were explanations... like the SQL book I posted shows you how to setup a Joke CMS. My first book was a XML and PHP book with emphasis on XML with only some explanation of PHP, it too shows you how to build a CMS for something else through the book. And I also got the book on setting up a LAMP server, I haven't done that one yet though.
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