Error When Copying .jpg

RichDRichD Essex, UK
edited January 2007 in Internet & Media
Hello all,

Over Christmas I had problems while trying to copy JPGs from a CD to and SD card. They were old projector slides which had been converted to digital images. It was annoying but we got around it eventually.

Now, today at work I have had the same error when trying to copy Digital photos from my USB memory stick to an external hard disk. The error doesn't actually tell you much other than it can’t create the file. I have checked the obvious like disk space and they are all fine.

The weird thing is that if I create a new folder I can copy them just fine, however it can’t be a problem with folder as it will let me copy half of the photos and then it throws up the error half way through.

Does Windows have a maxim number of objects that can be saved in a folder because there were about 21,000 photos in the directory?

Any help much appreciated.
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