Bios Frozen

edited January 2007 in Hardware
Motherboard: oxconn NF4K8AC-RS
Ram: 2.5GB

Harddrive; 300 + 400GB

amd 3200+ 939

previous 550

new 650

well i try to upgrade my PC. so i upgraded my hard drive and psu so i can install windows vista in my new hard drive. once i plugged my psu and harddrive. my computer keeps on frozen at bios. both red and green lights are on.

someone please help.


  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited January 2007
    try the old power supply first to see if the new one is bad.
  • edited January 2007
    I suspect BIOS fails at detecting the IDE drives (your IDE light stays on). I would check the power connectors to IDE/SATA drives, data cables, master/slave jumpers and make sure they are fine.
  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited January 2007
    Hello JayZ. Welcome to Short Media! It's perfectly ok to ask for help right away here. That's the way a lot of us found this site - lookin' for a way to solve problems we were experiencing w/ a computer.

    Now, in response to your post...

    Motherboard: oxconn NF4K8AC-RS
    Memory: 2.5GB
    Processor: amd 3200+ 939

    Does this mean that you are running two hard disk drives??
    --->>> Harddrive: 300 + 400GB

    If so, which HDD is the primary?
    Are they both on the same channel?
    What interface do they use (PATA or SATA)?
    How is each one jumpered (MASTER, SLAVE, or CABLE SELECT)?

    What are these - your power supply wattages??
    --->>> previous 550
    --->>> new 650

    It's ok to be very detailed in your posts. In fact we prefer that you are. If you use abbreviations or try to be brief in your post, we may not know what you are trying to convey to us. Please, be as detailed as possible. I promise you we won't complain. :smiles:

    The "red and green lights" you see on solid (not blinking or going off at all) are your power LED and your HDD Activity LED.

    Exactly how far does it get through P.O.S.T.?
    IOW, what is the last thing you see on the monitor b4 it hangs up?


    Go back and double-check your power connections (per Mirage's recommendation in post #2).
    Make sure you haven't forgotten any connections to the motherboard.
    Consult your motherboard manual to be sure.
    Make sure the PSU's input power option (a switch at the back of the PSU) is set properly for your locale (115vac vs 230vac)
    If you have two HDDs right now, disconnect the 2nd (slave) drive. (Just for now.)
    Make sure the remaining (primary) drive is on either the primary IDE channel (or SATA-0). Check that its jumper configuration is set to MASTER (not applicable if it's SATA).
  • edited January 2007
    550 watts PSU (the one i was using till last week)
    650 watts PSU (the new one i bought last week)

    300GB hard drive which runs windows XP. (older hard drive)
    400GB new hard drive i bought.

    everything was perfect when i was running 300GB hard disk with windows xp pro.

    then i had a new case, 400gb hard drive and 650 watts PSU after i connected all hardware.i turned my pc on. all fans working fine. the monitor is frozen on the bios picture. green and red light are solid. i unplugged my 300Gb to see if thats going to make any difference but its stays on the bios image screen. i even changed the master and salve jumpers its still dont work.
  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited January 2007
    jayz wrote:
    550 watts PSU (the one i was using till last week)
    650 watts PSU (the new one i bought last week)
    300GB hard drive which runs windows XP. (older hard drive)
    400GB new hard drive i bought.
    everything was perfect when i was running 300GB hard disk with windows xp pro.
    then i had a new case, 400gb hard drive and 650 watts PSU after i connected all hardware.i turned my pc on. all fans working fine. the monitor is frozen on the bios picture. green and red light are solid. i unplugged my 300Gb to see if thats going to make any difference but its stays on the bios image screen. i even changed the master and salve jumpers its still dont work.
    Again, double-check your PSU connections. Consult your motherboard manual to make sure you haven't left off any connections.

    If you need help identifying your motherboard and/or obtaining documentation on it, just let us know. We'll help you with that, too.


    Changing your case and adding a new HDD and PSU are significant changes to make all at once. A lot can go wrong in the process.

    To that end, one possible problem could be that your motherboard is shorted to the new case. Please, skip to the last step if you suspect this may be the cause.


    Since you mentioned changing jumper settings (post #5), I am assuming both of your HDDs are EIDE drives.

    With that in mind, make sure that your IDE cable orientation is correct. (Pin-1 on the cable to Pin-1 on the HDD and motherboard connectors)
    Pin-1 on EIDE HDDs is normally on the same side as the power connector.
    The side of the IDE cable that has the red (or differently-colored-than-the-rest) wire running along it should be on the same side as Pin-1 on the HDD connector and the motherboard connector.
    On the motherboard, there will be either a "1" or a sort of triangle located by one of the corners of the connector. This denotes pin-1.

    Once you've verified the cable orientation:

    Rather than disconnect the primary (300GB) HDD, disconnect the new slave (400GB) HDD instead.
    IOW, leave only the primary HDD (the one the OS is installed on) connected.
    Make sure the primary HDD is jumpered to MASTER and that it is connected to the LAST connector (fartherest away from the motherboard) on the IDE cable.
    Try booting again.


    If the problem persists:
    You might want to try connecting the old PSU back in, to see if it starts working properly again w/o the new PSU (per PrimeSuspect's recommendation in Post #2).
    Try booting again.


    If the problem, still persists:
    Pull everything out (of the case) and set it up on a sheet of cardboard.
    Let's see if you can get it booting outside the case.
  • edited January 2007
    i will try that and let you know.

    btw gd quote from indira gandhi.
  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited January 2007
    jayz wrote:
    i will try that and let you know.

    btw gd quote from indira gandhi.

    Go get 'em! Keep us apprised, ok? We're here to help. :thumbsup:
    (Yes, I like that quote, too. Says it all doesn't it?)
  • RyderRyder Kalamazoo, Mi Icrontian
    edited January 2007
    Hello Jayz,

    Red and Green lights where? On the motherboard?

    When you say frozen at the bios.....did you hit the delete key to enter bios, but it will not?
  • edited January 2007
    Pterocarpous i will try that when i go to ma house.

    it was the light on my case which indicate if its anything wrong.
  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited January 2007
    jayz wrote:
    Pterocarpous i will try that when i go to ma house...
    Allrighty. Just get back to us w/ any questions or updates. Including, if you fixed the problem, what you did to fix it (so others might benefit from your experience later on)...
    jayz wrote: was the light on my case which indicate if its anything wrong....

    JayZ, to clarify what those LEDs (lights) are on the front of your computer for you...

    The RED LED is your HDD "Activity" light. This LED will flash off and on when the HDD is being accessed. It is quite normal for this LED to be off or flashing while the computer is on. Under normal conditions, the state of this LED (off or on) is dependent upon what is happening w/ your computer - in particular w/ respect to HDD activity.

    The GREEN LED is your power LED. It should be on "solid" (all the time) whenever your computer is powered on. (Note: On some computers, depending upon how the motherboard was wired to the case, this LED might be a different color - RED, for instance.)

    Neither of these LEDs is an error indicator in and of themselves. Rather, it is an indication of a problem when the HDD Activity LED is on "solid" (all the time).

    PS: There are Internet "hyperlinks" embedded in this & other posts you will see in Short Media threads. If you click on the link, it will take you to a site that (in this case) will give you a definition of the word or acronym that is being used. (e.g. LEDs, HDD, and yes, HYPERLINK.)
  • edited January 2007
    I try to do everthing mentioned there.. but it still get frozen on winfast bios splash screen...
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