"Storm Worm" Virus Sweeps Globe
The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
Using a current headline story as bait, virus authors are seeking to lure the gullible into falling into their trap.
Source: Fox News"What makes this exceptional is the timely nature of the attack," Mikko Hypponen, head of research at Finnish data security firm F-Secure, told Reuters.
Hypponen said thousands of computers, most in private use, had been affected.
He said most users would not notice the malware, or trojan, which creates a back door to the computer that can be exploited later to steal data or to use the computer to post spam.
"F-Secure indicated that those who receive any of the following lines in the subject line of an email are likely recipients of the "Storm Worm" virus:
230 dead as storm batters Europe.
A killer at 11, he's free at 21 and...
British Muslims Genocide
Naked teens attack home director.
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza...
The virus also comes with one the following attachments:
Full Clip.exe
Full Story.exe
Read More.exe
AVG didn't pick them up until last night - good thing I'm the cautious sort.
Naked teens attack home director.
Tempting wasn't it?
"Saddam still alive"
"China shoots down US satalite" Spelled at typed!!!! LOL!
"Hillary punches Condi"