Unmountable boot error, can't use WinXp disc or autorecovery

edited February 2007 in Hardware
First I have done research before posting. I don’t expect help with out doing work first (as I expect when I help other people in other forums)!

So here is my problem short and sweet:

Acer laptop 1 year old. Working fine. All of a sudden I get then message unmountable boot error. When I boot the windows logo comes up and then it goes to this message.

I can’t boot in safe mode.
I have the windows XP pro cd, BUT when I try to boot from it, the recovery option is NOT available. It will only let me install a new installation. It can see the c drive but it does not see windows is already installed there so there is no option to recover.
So this info: short-media. (dotcom) /review.php?r=313
Does not help me.

I tried to go to the automated windows recovery function but when I do it asked me to install the 6 floppys that it comes on…problem is this laptop, like most these days, has no floppy drive.

I did some research and found the ultimate boot cd which I burned. Problem is I am not sure what to do, I don’t want to make an error and lose the data on the computer. (of course I started looking at external hard drives and will be getting one soon, of course after the fact 

Is there a post on this forum that I am missing that will guide me what to do? Or another place that tells me what to do with my problem?

Thanks for your time, it is appreciated.


  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited January 2007
    Hellow Ling1. Welcome to Short Media!

    The reason you aren't getting the recovery option is because a valid OS installation is not being detected. You can't get into Safe Mode for the same reason.

    I'm not sure about the automated system recovery option and it prompting you for floppy diskettes. (Is this an Acer recovery utility?)

    Since you already have the UBCD, please, run the HDD diagnostic and the MEMTEST86 diag. Let's make sure your hardware is ok b4 proceeding.
    • Does the laptop feel hotter than normal?
    • Which Acer model laptop do you have?
    • Do you now or did you recently hear any strange sounds coming from the computer?
    • Did anything precipitate this problem that you can think of? (new software or hardware install, upgrade or uninstall, power events, malware infection, error messages, etc.)
    • Please, make sure the laptop's cooling vents are unobstructed.
    • Be sure to run the diagnostics w/ the A/C adapter plugged in.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited January 2007
    In addition to what Pterocarpous mentioned, hunt around on the UBCD for a program called TestDisk. Have it search for valid partitions on the drive and attempt to recover them. :)
  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited January 2007
    profdlp wrote:
    In addition to what Pterocarpous mentioned, hunt around on the UBCD for a program called TestDisk. Have it search for valid partitions on the drive and attempt to recover them. :)
    Oooooooo, didn't know about that one, prodlp. Nifty! :smiles:
  • edited January 2007
    Thanks for the reply.
    It is an Acer 3003NWLI, with a 60gig hd. It almost exactly 1 year old. The laptop has been working fine with no strange noises (no clicking anything like that). I ran memtest and test disk and some other programs. The hard drive seems to be working fine. With test disk you can make a new partition but I don't want to do that. I don't see a recovery command. You can also replace the boot sector but I a little afraid overwritting anything.

    after some more research I found:
    irongeek (dotcom) /i.php?page=security/pebuildertutorial

    Tomorrow I am going to try create a boot disc with BartPe and this. I hope it works.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited January 2007
    Ling1 wrote:
    ...You can also replace the boot sector but I a little afraid overwriting anything...
    It's your call, but if I were in your position I would go for it. :)
  • edited February 2007
    I just wanted to update people on what happened with my problem.

    I ended up using the program ERD Commander (Winternals). I was able to login and access all my files and back them up on an exteranl hard drive.

    Then with out running any additional programs while logged in with ERD Commander my computer started seeing the windows installation located on the C drive! This was after I logged in the 2nd or 3rd time with ERD Commander (I had to reset the computer inorder for my external hard drive and a usb memory stick to be recognized).

    So if anyone has the problem I did I suggest trying running ERD commander.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited February 2007
    Glad you got it - and thanks for the tip, Ling1. :cheers:
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