Wii Wi-Fi Woes

FormFactorFormFactor At the core of forgotten
edited February 2007 in Gaming
Finally got my Wii, but I cant seem to get it to connect to my Linksys WRT54G-S router.

It sees the SSID, but when trying to test the connection, it errors out with a 51330 error.

This happened when I used no wifi securrity. I have a lappy right next to the Wii which had a full strength signal.

I saw an article on support.nintendo.com that said to use WEP with a passphrase of over 10 characters, trried that to the same result.

Anyone else have similar problems? Or know a fix?

Thanks in advance!


  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited January 2007
    do you have a Logitech surround sound system near by? when my surround system is on my WiFi in the Wii will not work, I get the same issues with my PS3...
  • FormFactorFormFactor At the core of forgotten
    edited January 2007
    OMG its funny that you mention that!

    No logitech surround, however, I have a POS sony reciever, and 5 speakers. My rear right hand speaker makes a very strange noise when doing the test. It sounds kind of like a blown sub, and repeats every second or so. It only happens when powering on the Wii, and when doing the Wi-Fi test. I thought that might have something to do with it.

    Were you ever able to fix it? Maybe I could put that speaker in a metal cage :).

    I gues it would be the reciever. Ill try killing it when I get home. But if thats the case, I would rather not have to use just the TV speakers. I wonder if theres any way to fix it (other than putting it in a metal cage :).
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited January 2007
    I think sound systems are really messing with the WiFi setups in consoles. I have proven this with 2 consoles and 2 different sound systems. I think the frequencies clash or something… I am still researching this issue, you can see my first article on it here

    I know the WiFi aspect is brief, but it is an issue I am trying to learn more about before I can pin point it 100%
  • NosferatuNosferatu Arizona
    edited January 2007
    I have a WRT54G running DD-WRT and it took me the longest time to get it working with the Wii. I'm using WEP and it turned out that I needed to enter the passphrase in hexidecimal and not plaintext. I don't remember the error code it gave me though, but it's worth a shot.
  • FormFactorFormFactor At the core of forgotten
    edited January 2007
    Thanks for the replies fellaz!

    Ok I tried just using TV sound with reciever off and all that, as you did sledge with your PS3 in that article (Great article btw!). No luck.

    I tried entering the pasphrase generated by my linksys for WEP Nosferatu. Still the same error (I also put the correct error code in my OP).

    I think i may just give up on Wi-Fi on the Wii :(.

    Can anyone recommend a good USB NIC on the cheap?
  • NosferatuNosferatu Arizona
    edited January 2007
    Dumb question, but if you have mac address filtering on your router have you added the Wii's mac address to the permission list?
  • WuGgaRoOWuGgaRoO Not in the shower Icrontian
    edited January 2007
    im with the original vamp on this one (nos) mac filtering might be a problem..i have the wrtg-54 and there is no problem..wait, ive actually connected the system to a total of 3 different routers and it all works...call up nintendo on this one and brain em
  • FormFactorFormFactor At the core of forgotten
    edited January 2007
    Yea MAC filtering is off, I also tried changing the channel on the router. Same result. Yea I may jest need to give Nintendo a call. I do have a network switch right next to the Wii. I wonder if I could juyst throw a USB LAN adapter on it.

    Its funny, everyone I have asked around my workplace has experienced problems with Wi-Fi on the Wii. It seems Nintendo may have slacked the QA on the Wi-Fi tip.

    Anyways, thanks again for the replies.
  • GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
    edited January 2007
    Which channels did you try on your WAP? I have heard that the Wii connects best on channels 11 and 1.
  • FormFactorFormFactor At the core of forgotten
    edited January 2007
    GHoosdum wrote:
    Which channels did you try on your WAP? I have heard that the Wii connects best on channels 11 and 1.

    I tried cahnnels 9, 1, 11 and then 6 in that order. :banghead:

    This wwekend I think ill try calling Nintendo, and if they cant help, Ill try the Wii closer to my WAP.

    Ill let yall know what I find.
  • FormFactorFormFactor At the core of forgotten
    edited January 2007
    Well, I called Nintendo (which were very polite and helpful) and he mentioned that error is indicating a problem authinticating securely to the router. Unfortunately he kind of steppped me through all the stuff I already tried.

    I guess there are no online games yet, so Im not that worried. He also mentioned that only Nintendo branded USB NICs would wok, but he also said that that their are some others that work, but he can officially only recommend the Nintendo branded one. When I asked if he was aware of any linksys USB nics that worked, he replied with, "Try it, you might get lucky".

    I have a USB Linksys NIC im using for my Tivo im going to try. Ill post my results.
  • drcomicdrcomic Earth
    edited February 2007
    I used a Belkin Wireless G USB Network Adapter (F5D7050). I have DSL and used a Belkin to broadcast. The Wii found the network after the search. I put in the security code and *BAM* connected to the net.
    Circuit City has it on sale right now for about $30 on the net ($10 rebate).
  • FormFactorFormFactor At the core of forgotten
    edited February 2007
    So drcomic you could not connect with the Wii's built in wifi chip either? Ill look into one of those you mentioned.
  • drcomicdrcomic Earth
    edited February 2007
    Ok, I am such a dunce head:dunce:
    I didn't even realize that they had Wi-Fi built in! Doh! I should really pay more attention.
    I tried without the usb plugged in and again it worked fine.
    I am using the following Belkin to broadcast; Belkin Wireless Router (F5D72304)

    I will try to connect this weekend with my surround sound running and see if i get any problems.
    I apologize for posting without thinking/reading fully the topic at hand. :rolleyes2
  • DeanoDeano Leicestershire, England
    edited February 2007
    tbh, i think the easiest solution would be to purchase an Official nintendo wifi USB connector.

    obviously this only works with nintendo products, i've tried it with my 360, but sadly it doesn't work for some reason :(

    anyways, i had the same problems with my router, a C&W. i brought the dongle, installed, set it up, granted it permission to connect with the wii, and it works like a charm :)
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