Critiques please...

RWBRWB Icrontian
edited February 2007 in Internet & Media
I am a bit embarrassed about this, but I am trying to make a site for work but as efficient as possible but still look nice, so I am going all out of the CSS. The image of Gir is just for the placeholder of some flash videos which correspond to the links above the image. This small section I can show you is for the new recruits.

Comments and most importantly suggestions please on appearance and any code changes you think I might benefit from.

Thanks guys!

I have been working through FF2 and IE6, but untested for IE7 and Opera yet... as I don't have either installed and my laptop is at home doh.


  • nonstop301nonstop301 51° 27' 24.87" N // 0° 11' 38.91" W Member
    edited January 2007
    It's efficient all right so i don't think you need to improve that aspect too much.

    The colour scheme could be better though but I don't know what your limitations are when it comes to the colour palette :)

    If your flash videos are impressive then the colour scheme wouldn't matter so much I suppose.
  • RWBRWB Icrontian
    edited January 2007
    I've changed the color's up a bit, but I am working on a section right now that I can't show without changing a lot due to IP's and other info being displayed. But... I am making it a template(like css should) so it should be transferring over as soon as I update the css link on the above page.

    You should be able to check it now. Let me know how to like the new colors, the secondary menu may not be working yet, it's not high priority heh
  • nonstop301nonstop301 51° 27' 24.87" N // 0° 11' 38.91" W Member
    edited January 2007
    It looks good RWB and the blue/gray colour scheme is more friendly than the one you were using previously.

    The only thing I would probably modify is the size of the second menu bar with the Setup e-mail / Using Connectwise / Know the server / Common Issues options. I believe it might look better if the width of that menu bar matched the width of the flash area where the videos will be running.
  • edcentricedcentric near Milwaukee, Wisconsin Icrontian
    edited January 2007
    It is a good thing that I read the post, I was about to tell you that your dog is ugly.
    If the menu bars are primary and secondary maybe you should use different font sizes
  • RWBRWB Icrontian
    edited February 2007
    I've updated it again... anyone know if you can squash text a bit? I forget the actual name of it, but like in photo shop you can shrink the text while retaining it's width. I am kinda curious if that will work with the getting started text to make it look a bit better.
  • KentigernKentigern Milton Keynes UK
    edited February 2007
    In your css you could use the following
    [color=blue]body [/color]       { letter-spacing: 2pt }

    change body to whatever your bit is called
    change 2pt to higher number if you want bigger space between letters
  • KentigernKentigern Milton Keynes UK
    edited February 2007
    Hey RWB getting 404 on your site
  • RWBRWB Icrontian
    edited February 2007
    Yeah I've been moving directories around, trying to clean it up.
  • KentigernKentigern Milton Keynes UK
    edited February 2007
    Good luck with the spacing - I forgot to say that I just reduce the font size and then instruct letter spacing in the css
  • RWBRWB Icrontian
    edited February 2007
    Letter spacing is easy, I wanted to actually squash the text.
  • KentigernKentigern Milton Keynes UK
    edited February 2007
    Hi RWB
    The small caps instruction might work for you, as an interim measure other than that, the only other way currently (roll on css3 )would be to use a graphic of the squashed text you create in photoshop
    {font-variant: small-caps;}
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