The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
REDDRAGON is back for another milestone - how soon until DogDragon is feeling the heat?
Well done, teammate!
Well done, teammate!
First Congrats RedDragon
Second feeling the heat? me, I think I have time yet.
He needs to watch BlueDragon,BlueDragon is starting to RedDragon and getting in range to get into the passing lane.
But Red has acouple things on his side that Blue don't know.
This could turn out to be interesting, I'm in the middle and know what's going on on both side,but I have to just stand here and let them go at it
But will be posting by Friday and he's still folding during the move
the pc is last to go so he'll lose 45min of foldingis all that he'll lose
What a Trooper