n00b in distress

edited January 2007 in Hardware
alright i have a good computer put together by my genious uncle, hes gone and i have no tech surport for anything. the computer wont receive any internet signal eaither wireless or ethernet. mind you internet is working. any ideas? also there are 2 usb jacks that are right by the ethernet jack that do not work also i dont know if this could also be the problem


  • RiptideRiptide Northern Canada New
    edited January 2007
    If you have the disk's that came with the motherboard, then you can try re-installing the drivers (pretty easy). If you don't have the disks/CD(s), you can usually go to the manufacture's website (of motherboard) and download the latest drivers for that motherboard. I'm saying the drivers for the motherboard, as it sounds like your eathernet (NIC) plug & the USB plugs are built into the motherboard.

    Something else you could look at, is right click on My Computer > Properties > Hardware (a tab along the top of box) > Device Manager (a button inside the main window of box)

    Do you see any yellow question marks beside any of the devices? Also, has the internet ever worked on this system since you got it?

    That should get you started. Someone else might be able to offer more/better advice, as many people have are very knowledgeable & helpful. :)
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