YouTube uploaders to share in revenue

YouTube is working on a plan for users who upload videos to be paid for their contributions.
Co-founder Chad Hurley has said that revenue would be paid only to those who have full copyright of the video they are sharing. Revenue will be generated by showing advertisements before the actual video clip.
When YouTube was originally launched, the co-founders believed revenue-sharing would foster a community more interested in making money than helping the site grow. They now believe financial incentives will further improve the content shown on the site.
Hurley did not mention how much video uploaders will receive. The revenue-sharing system should be implemented in a trial period within several months.
Co-founder Chad Hurley has said that revenue would be paid only to those who have full copyright of the video they are sharing. Revenue will be generated by showing advertisements before the actual video clip.
When YouTube was originally launched, the co-founders believed revenue-sharing would foster a community more interested in making money than helping the site grow. They now believe financial incentives will further improve the content shown on the site.
Hurley did not mention how much video uploaders will receive. The revenue-sharing system should be implemented in a trial period within several months.