Disk Failure? Please help me...my laptop...

edited January 2007 in Hardware
The volume appears to contain one or more unrecoverable problems

is the message i get after running chkdsk in recoverymode. I have windows xp and a few days ago my laptop started showing a SMART warning saying failure is iminent. WIndows would not boot anymore and it said that the ntoskrnl was missing or corrupted. can someone please help

ps i am new to the forum lol


  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited January 2007
    laptopbox wrote:
    ...The volume appears to contain one or more...unrecoverable problems...is the message i get after running chkdsk in recoverymode. I have windows xp and a few days ago my laptop started showing a SMART warning saying failure is iminent. WIndows would not boot anymore and it said that the ntoskrnl was missing or corrupted...
    Hello laptopbox. Welcome to Short Media!

    If you got the SMART error and you're getting file corruption (system cannot find files it needs) then there's definetly trouble on the horizon.
    • Do you have data that is on this hard disk drive (HDD) that is NOT backed up (and that you want to keep)?
    • If so, shut the sytem down for now before proceeding.
    • It (the HDD) shouldn't be powered back up again until you are ready to recover your data. That is the priority. (We'll help you through that.)
    Based on your answer to the question re: data on the HDD, we'll tell you what step to proceed to next.
  • edited January 2007
    My hardrive doesnt have any important information or files on it. In this case what do i do next?
  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited January 2007
    laptopbox wrote:
    My hardrive doesnt have any important information or files on it. In this case what do i do next?
    Good! Ok, the next step is to definitively determine your hard disk drive's (HDD's) condition. To do this, you'll need to run a HDD diagnostic.

    Do you know how to get into the BIOS?
    You can usually enter the BIOS by hitting F2 or DELETE as soon as you turn the system on.
    If you can navigate around the BIOS to determine the HDD model no. that'd be helpful.

    Does your laptop have a floppy diskette drive (FDD)? (or do you have an external (USB) FDD?)
  • edited January 2007
    My laptop is a hpnc8000 but i cannot determine the model number. I can take out the hardrive if you want...My laptop has an internal fdd
  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited January 2007
    laptopbox wrote:
    My laptop is a hpnc8000 but i cannot determine the model number. I can take out the hardrive if you want...My laptop has an internal fdd
    No need to remove the HDD.
    • Please, go HERE and download Hitachi Drive Fitness Test (HDFT)
    • Create the bootable diskette.
    • Insert it into your laptop's FDD and start the computer.
    • Make note of the HDD model no. the HDFT detects
    • Follow the prompts to initiate a deep diagnostic.
  • edited January 2007
    i am running test as i speak and my hdd name is "Fujitsu MHT2040AH" (model number) serial number is T4128AVA
  • edited January 2007
    I got an error gode of 0x72 witch i thing is a very bad thing...hardware problem..
  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited January 2007
    laptopbox wrote:
    I got an error gode of 0x72 witch i thing is a very bad thing...hardware problem..
    Ok. As we expected, you're going to need to replace the HDD. If you're laptop is no longer in warranty, you can find laptop HDDs on newegg.com - an online computer parts and accessories store.

    You'll need to determine if it is an IDE or SATA drive.
    • How old is your computer?
    • What Operating System were you running on it?
  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited January 2007
    Ok, your current HDD is 40GB ATA (IDE). This is it HERE.

    So, you'll need to replace it w/ another ATA-6 drive.
  • edited January 2007
    I found this thread from another site which says the problem is recoverable..
  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited January 2007
    laptopbox wrote:
    I found this thread from another site which says the problem is recoverable..
    Terrific! Please, send me a PM w/ a link to the thread and I'll post it here for you (so that others later on may benefit from it).

    I looked at your profile. You should be able to post links now. Could you please post the link you were referring to? Thankyou! :smiles:
  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited January 2007
    0x72 is the S.M.A.R.T. failed error code in DFT (Hitachi Drive Fitness Test)
    HERE is a manual explaining how to use the diagnostic utility and interpret the error codes.

    According to what I read, you should go on to perform the ADVANCED diagnostic.
  • edited January 2007
    Terrific! Please, send me a PM w/ a link to the thread and I'll post it here for you (so that others later on may benefit from it).

    I looked at your profile. You should be able to post links now. Could you please post the link you were referring to? Thankyou! :smiles:

    Error Code and first aid for your drive

    The following table defines all the currently supported DFT error codes. For example if during testing of your hard drive DFT reports a error code of 0x70 as shown on page 14, this indicates that your hard disk drive has problems reading one or more of its sectors. In most of these cases the drive can heal itself of these errors. To do this first back-up all your data from the problem drive ( if possible ) then run DFT again and select either the Erase Disk or Sector Repair option which is under the Utility heading. If you already have a backup of the data on the hard disk or the data isn’t important you can opt to run Erase Disk/Sector Repair from the Test Result screen. Once the selected operation has completed you can then run one of the test options Quick or Advance to confirm that the drive has been healed. The result code, which should be displayed, is 0x00 if the test returns another code then you should check with your drive/system vendor if the drive can be return for warranty replacement.
  • edited January 2007
    Terrific! Please, send me a PM w/ a link to the thread and I'll post it here for you (so that others later on may benefit from it).

    I looked at your profile. You should be able to post links now. Could you please post the link you were referring to? Thankyou! :smiles:

    Error Code and first aid for your drive

    The following table defines all the currently supported DFT error codes. For example if during testing of your hard drive DFT reports a error code of 0x70 as shown on page 14, this indicates that your hard disk drive has problems reading one or more of its sectors. In most of these cases the drive can heal itself of these errors. To do this first back-up all your data from the problem drive ( if possible ) then run DFT again and select either the Erase Disk or Sector Repair option which is under the Utility heading. If you already have a backup of the data on the hard disk or the data isn’t important you can opt to run Erase Disk/Sector Repair from the Test Result screen. Once the selected operation has completed you can then run one of the test options Quick or Advance to confirm that the drive has been healed. The result code, which should be displayed, is 0x00 if the test returns another code then you should check with your drive/system vendor if the drive can be return for warranty replacement.
  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited January 2007
    laptopbox wrote:
    Error Code and first aid for your drive

    The following table defines all the currently supported DFT error codes. For example if during testing of your hard drive DFT reports a error code of 0x70 as shown on page 14, this indicates that your hard disk drive has problems reading one or more of its sectors. In most of these cases the drive can heal itself of these errors. To do this first back-up all your data from the problem drive ( if possible ) then run DFT again and select either the Erase Disk or Sector Repair option which is under the Utility heading. If you already have a backup of the data on the hard disk or the data isn’t important you can opt to run Erase Disk/Sector Repair from the Test Result screen. Once the selected operation has completed you can then run one of the test options Quick or Advance to confirm that the drive has been healed. The result code, which should be displayed, is 0x00 if the test returns another code then you should check with your drive/system vendor if the drive can be return for warranty replacement.

    Care to expound at all laptopbox? :scratch:
    (BTW, Your posts 14 & 15 are identical best I can tell...)

    BTW, the errors aren't really "healed". Rather the bad spots on the drive are "flagged" telling the OS not to attempt to use them. To me, that's a signal to replace the drive. IOW, it's starting to fail. Replace it now b4 the problem worsens. That's "preventative", "pro-active" maintenance. :smiles:
  • edited January 2007
    Ill just give you the link and u can "expound" all you like...http://club.cdfreaks.com/showthread.php?t=89525
  • edited January 2007
    I used the fujitsu disk utility which i think weill fix my laptop..as it resets all the disk values back to 00..
  • edited January 2007
    THe hardrive is about 2years old and i think that is new so iono....wtf
  • edited January 2007
    OK guys
    ive fixed my laptop hardrive, chkdsk reports it to be good and everything works. Iv reinstalled windows xp pro sp2 and now it laggs extremely..The start up splash screen takes ages to finish (5mins) and then the screen goes blank then after 2 mins the logon screen comes on.. Similarly everything in my windows installation laggs. Also during setup it lagged.. This is extreme!:sad2: also how do you get rid of a SMART error?
  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited January 2007
    laptopbox wrote:
    OK guys
    ive fixed my laptop hardrive, chkdsk reports it to be good and everything works. Iv reinstalled windows xp pro sp2 and now it laggs extremely..The start up splash screen takes ages to finish (5mins) and then the screen goes blank then after 2 mins the logon screen comes on.. Similarly everything in my windows installation laggs. Also during setup it lagged.. This is extreme!:sad2: also how do you get rid of a SMART error?
    1. Because the HDD (hard disk drive) passes chkdsk doesn't mean the HDD isn't failing.
    2. chkdsk is not a comprehensive HDD diagnostic utility. It performs a surface scan only. It does not test the HDD's onboard controller, etc.
    3. The problem isn't the SMART diagnostic. It is doing what it is supposed to do - warning you of imminent HDD failure.
    4. The problem is whatever is causing the SMART diagnostic to issue the warnings you've been receiving.
    1. For those viewing this thread 4 the 1st time, THIS is the HDD.
    2. laptopbox has run Hitachi's DFT on the drive and it failed - throwing a SMART error. There is an option to run an Advanced test in DFT. I don't think that's been done, however.
    3. Fujitsu HDD utilities can be found HERE.
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