RAID Setup Question

edited January 2007 in Hardware
err i have a question
i tryed to setupo raid on my dads computer and it said the disc's arent detected so when i went to just go back to the old setup it said no botable devices detected?! what do i do?!
im so lost :(


  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited January 2007
    fuukaa wrote:
    err i have a question
    i tryed to setupo raid on my dads computer and it said the disc's arent detected so when i went to just go back to the old setup it said no botable devices detected?! what do i do?!
    im so lost :(
    Helo fuukaa. Welcome to Short Media!

    It's always best to start your own thread for help w/ a problem you're experiencing (even if you see other similar threads). This is so folks helping out don't get confused by multiple persons seeking help in the same thread. I'm going to request that a moderator move your post to a thread of your own, ok? :smiles:

    The reason the HDDs (hard disk drives) weren't being detected could have been a no. of things. W/out knowing more about your computer's configuration and the steps you have taken, we can only guess. Following are some possible causes:
    1. The motherboard SATA drivers were not installed (if the drives you would like to include in the RAID array are new SATA drives that were not being used in the system before (and you were using IDE drives before)).
    2. The RAID controller drivers were not installed (in the operating system)
    3. Your RAID array was not configured properly
    4. Your BIOS is was not configured to enable RAID
    Please, tell us exactly the steps you have taken and what drives were involved. The more details the better.
  • GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
    edited January 2007
    fuukaa, Welcome to Short-Media! :bigggrin: I've split your query off into a separate thread. You'll probably get more attention and help this way.

    Thanks, Pterocarpous.
  • edited January 2007
    well i dont really want to use raid anymore i just want to go back to the way it was before but it seems like my drives are formatted?
    does trying to setup a raid format your hd?
    it didnt say anything about formating it
  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited January 2007
    fuukaa wrote:
    well i dont really want to use raid anymore i just want to go back to the way it was before but it seems like my drives are formatted?
    does trying to setup a raid format your hd?
    it didnt say anything about formating it
    Yes. If you went through the configuration via the RAID controller, then yes, part of the process is formatting the drives.
  • edited January 2007
    (bangs head against wall)
  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited January 2007
    fuukaa wrote:
    (bangs head against wall)'s a bad thing, fuukaa.... sorry.....:sad2:

    If it's any consolation, we've all committed horrendous blunders in our careers w/in the computer world. Welcome to the club. It's a big one.
  • edited January 2007
    we'll now that thats over with ive got a intell duo core with two 500g western digi
    512 m nvidia g card

    wouldnt the drivers be installed? the the raid configuration utility
    is there when it starts up (f-4)
    or when i reinstall windows i hit f6 to install the drivers im new to this raid ish
    (like you havent been able to tell)
    and i suppose scince i just lost all my files and programs i should at least
    get this raid stuff on and working.
  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited January 2007
    You'll have to do a few things:
    • Enable RAID in your motherboard's BIOS
    • Configure the RAID array via the RAID controller during POST.
    • While installing Windows, install the SATA (if you'll be using SATA HDDs) & RAID drivers that came w/ your motherboard. (If you're using a seperate RAID controller (an expansion card), then the drivers that came w/ it...)

    BTW, what is the reason behind your choosing to use RAID on your dad's computer? Does he need it?
  • edited January 2007
    yes its a computer running adobe production studio (audition after effects ect ect)
    and he asked me to enable it for him
  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited January 2007
    fuukaa wrote:
    yes its a computer running adobe production studio (audition after effects ect ect)
    and he asked me to enable it for him
    Well, there ya have it then! :smiles: Just note, that if you're going to configure the array to RAID 0 or 1, you must be extra cautious about deligently backing up data. There is no redundancy or safety net in either of these configurations.

    You might want to check out THIS thread re: some important FAQs about RAID. These folks really know their stuff about RAID. (Note: please, don't post to that thread though. It's for FAQs only)
  • edited January 2007
    okay raid setup in bios got my floppy installed raid config set to 0
    now when i go to instal windows i hit f 6 to install the other raid drivers and nothing happens....
    and after it gets past a certain poinmt it says continue or specify a mass storage device.. er im lost again....
  • edited January 2007
  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited January 2007
    fuukaa wrote:
    Please, refer to THIS link. In particular post # 12.
  • edited January 2007
    i get stuck at the blue screen where it says

    "please insert disc labeled manufacturer supplied hardware support disc
    into drive a:

    press enter when ready

    followed all the steps in the faq

    but when i get here and insert the floppy and hit enter it does nothing
    i dont get it?
    sorry if im being frustrating ive done everything right i belive..
    and also in the boot config the floppy drive shows up so it should be working also its a brand new floppy drive out of the box
  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited January 2007
    fuukaa wrote:
    i get stuck at the blue screen where it says..."please insert disc labeled manufacturer supplied hardware support disc into drive enter when ready...followed all the steps in the faq...but when i get here and insert the floppy and hit enter it does nothing...i dont get it?...sorry if im being frustrating ive done everything right i belive...and also in the boot config the floppy drive shows up so it should be working also its a brand new floppy drive out of the box
    You're not being frustrating at all. Posting like you did in your last post (w/ more details) helps us a great deal towards understanding your problem and being able to offer you a solution.

    Take the floppy diskette over to another computer and take a look at it's contents.

    Are the driver files buried in a directory (folder)?

    Exactly what are the file names you see on the root directory of the floppy diskette. (e.g. a:\filename.[extension]; a:\filename2.[extension], etc.).
  • edited January 2007
    okay now its getting tricky
    got the floppy drive to work
    when i get to the part in the windows installation where it asks for the drivers i insert the disc for blue sata connectors (there are black and blue)
    but it says its missing the startup.txt file and wont work
    but when i insert the black sata connector drivers that one works i install the drivers and then the windows installation goes further untill its about to start and says that it cant find a harddrive so here i am again at a loss
  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited January 2007
    fuukaa wrote:
    okay now its getting tricky
    got the floppy drive to work
    when i get to the part in the windows installation where it asks for the drivers i insert the disc for blue sata connectors (there are black and blue)
    but it says its missing the startup.txt file and wont work
    but when i insert the black sata connector drivers that one works i install the drivers and then the windows installation goes further untill its about to start and says that it cant find a harddrive so here i am again at a loss
    What color are the SATA connectors your drives are actually connected to on the motherboard? One pair is likely the RAID pair. You'll need to consult your motherboard manual to determine who's who in the zoo there...
  • edited January 2007
    the blue are the raid and thats whats connected
    but like i said the blue connector drivers on the floppy dont work for some reason
  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited January 2007
    fuukaa wrote:
    the blue are the raid and thats whats connected
    but like i said the blue connector drivers on the floppy dont work for some reason
    Are the driver files on the root directory of the diskette (see post # 16)?
    If they are, check w/ the motherboard manufacturer for updated drivers (and a manual).
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