Problem with Media Center after removing Norton...

stacy3stacy3 NY
edited February 2007 in Science & Tech
I removed the pre-installed Norton suite from my new computer today and am now having problems with Media Center. Aside from the TV reception being terrible now, I get an error message after I close up.

I found this website with a resolution to my specific problem, but am having trouble figuring out how to carry it out!

If anyone can figure it out, I'd appreciate the interpretation, and in very basic terms, pretty please?;)

thanks for taking a look.


  • mtroxmtrox Minnesota
    edited February 2007
    Yea I can see why you're a little lost from that page. What he's trying to say is that there is an add-in that is crashing behind the scenes of your Operating System. Since you just uninstalled Norton (a course of action that should be rewarded as far as I'm concerned), we have to believe that Norton had some process hooked into your operating system and that it uninstalled....but something in the registry is still trying to start it or otherwise communicate with it.

    Not only is Norton bulky and problematic, but it also doesn't uninstall well. I would go here and download the Norton Removal Tool. Run that and see if that solves your problem. Might be a lot easier than the geek-speak from your link.
  • stacy3stacy3 NY
    edited February 2007
    Hi mtrox - thanks for your reply. I sent you a message but will post my progress in case anyone else is having a similar problem? (I ran the Norton Removal Tool to remove Norton in the first place, but thanks!)

    Your description of what must have happened seems to be accurate according to the updated weblog.

    This is what it says to do now, but I'm still getting an error "sound" when I close out of Media Center - twice in a row. I guess that wouldn't bother me if these weren't brand new computers...:sad2:

    I will continue to post when I hear from him again -so far he seems to be pretty helpful.

  • mtroxmtrox Minnesota
    edited February 2007
    Yea his update makes sense. Thanks for posting back "out here" where others can see it.

    If you want to attack the error sound, you might want to look in the event viewer. Go to Start> Run..., then type eventvwr in the box and hit "enter". Look in all folders, but especially in Application and System for any errors that happen at the exact time you rebooted. They might have recorded there, though that's no always reliable during shutdown.
  • stacy3stacy3 NY
    edited February 2007
    wow mtrox - I have lots of errors in the event viewer under application - I haven't checked System yet - but do you mean at the time that I shut down Media Center? Should I shut it down and then check for the time that it is?
  • mtroxmtrox Minnesota
    edited February 2007
    stacy3 wrote:
    wow mtrox - I have lots of errors in the event viewer under application - I haven't checked System yet - but do you mean at the time that I shut down Media Center? Should I shut it down and then check for the time that it is?

    Yea, note the time you shut down and see what errors are generated at the exact time. Not all errors at shutdown are are shutting down after all.

    Also, keep in mind that the red errors are the ones that matter. Much of what you see is just informational. And some errors are pretty common, and of little consequence...such as the DCOM errors you'll see under System all the time.
  • stacy3stacy3 NY
    edited February 2007
    OK, helpful - I was starting to freak out a bit seeing error messages...
  • stacy3stacy3 NY
    edited February 2007
    Well, I found a warning (userenv) under the application heading - if you'd like I can go in an dtell you what it said...and I found an error under System, but it was one of the DCOM ones.
  • mtroxmtrox Minnesota
    edited February 2007
    Not a big deal Stacy. And doesn't sound like the kind of thing that's making an error sound when you shut down. I was just trying to use the Event Viewer to see if there was a clue as to what process is making a "critical stop" sound when you shut down.
  • stacy3stacy3 NY
    edited February 2007
    Now, the main computer doesn't seem to be doing the 'critical stop' sound, but when I close out of media center on the laptop, it does it and then the screen briefly blips out for a second and comes back on. Every time. sigh.

    I'll go check the event viewer on that, too.
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