Image conversion tools

edited February 2007 in Internet & Media
good morning...

We have a pretty complex document scanning system here at the school. a scanner scans a paper doc, turns it into a .bin *image* that is viewable on windows pic and fax viewer, then the .bin is stored on disk and a reference to the file stored in an oracle 10g database.

a student assistant messed with the settings and now the .bin files are around 8MB, not a huge deal but they scanned over 5000 documents and now we're running low on disk space. bad planning and an unseen problem... it happens.

my question is, is there some library or program i could use to either reduce the resolution of the files (and file size) as they sit, or can I convert them to something like a .jpeg where i can use a simple php script to reduce resolution and size and then convert them back into .bin? Of course they need to remain the same filename for the sake of data integrity on the db.

we're pulling the images off the server now to a parallel windows machine to manipulate them, as we don't want to mess up a production machine. this will take a while, so we have time to formulate a plan....

any suggestions at all are welcome...


  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited February 2007
    Not sure what kind of file a .BIN is - it's probably just a TIFF with a different extension. If you can open it in photoshop, here's what I'd do: Create a batch in photoshop to open each image and re-save it as an LZW-Compressed tif. TIFF is a standard fax format, and if it's a bitmap tiff, even a 1200dpi 8.5x11 that is 16.1mb will compress down to a few hundred KB.
  • edited February 2007

    i opened one in VI and sure enough, it was a tiff. we wrote out a procedure in php against image magick and redid a whole bunch of the suckers. the machine dont have a lot of ram, and it seemed ram intense (aka it was slow as hell) so we'll finish up the rest tomorrow.

    thanks a bunch prime
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited February 2007
    no prob :)
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