xbox 360 saves to pc
Hi. I have a windows xp home edition and a xbox 360. My hard drive on the 360 is getting low on space and i was wondering if i could move the gamesave from my xbox 360 to my pc. I tried puting them on an external hard drive that connected via usb. The 360 didn't recognize the hard drive as a memory storage space. What can i do?
Actually, You can do this. DATEL makes a product that is essentially a docking station for your xbox360's hard drive. You pop your HDD into it, and then plug it into your computer via USB. If you have old xbox games you want to move to your 360's HDD you can also do that, but you'll need to buy a madcatz memory card for the old xbox. I bought this and it works really well. I wish MS would just release a bigger HDD, but in the meantime this is the best, and only, option.
I just googled it, and the product is called the Datel XSATA. Check it out, I picked mine up for like 40 bucks at Best Buy.