Blu-ray beating HD-DVD in sales 2 to 1

In the all out High Definition battle Blu-Ray is starting to show its true colors. With Sonyβs PS3 being the drive behind the Blu-Ray players, it is only a matter of time before Blu-ray closes the already narrow gap between overall sales.
Nielsen VideoScan's figures add up sales from retail registers, along with some websites, and cover the second week of January 2007. According to Nielsen, Blu-Ray has also closed the gap in total sales since inception from 14% to 7%. If the trend continues, Blu-Ray should overtake HD-DVD in less than a month.
Nielsen VideoScan's figures add up sales from retail registers, along with some websites, and cover the second week of January 2007. According to Nielsen, Blu-Ray has also closed the gap in total sales since inception from 14% to 7%. If the trend continues, Blu-Ray should overtake HD-DVD in less than a month.
2. End-user price: HD-DVD wins.. Every element of HD-DVD-specific components is cheaper.
3. Mfgr. price: Every stage of HD-DVD production is cheaper. Those shiny double and triple-layer Blu-Ray discs might as well be made of gold compared to the dual layer HD-DVD masters.
4. Content protection: HD-DVD is less stringent about constant watchdogging of AACS.
//EDIT: I'll also note that these figures contradict <i>every</i> previous independent study.
I have had a PS3 since 2 days after launch....