Cannot connect

edited February 2007 in Science & Tech
I have been trying for some time now on connecting to but I always receive server not found. I have no virus, trojans, etc.

I even tried using another PC with Windows.

I am currently running Windows XP Service Pack 2 and have all the most recent Windows Updates.

I currently have a Linksys WUSB54G Wirelless USB Network Adapter.
I can access all other websites without problems.

Thank you for your help in advance.


  • shwaipshwaip bluffin' with my muffin Icrontian
    edited February 2007
    can you get to:

    that's where points me anyways. Have you changed your HOSTS file at all?
  • edited February 2007
    Yes I can get there without problems
    My host file has been unmodified
  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited February 2007
    Hi Pres'
    • Try:
    • Check your HOSTS file
    • WINDOWS -> SYSTEM32 -> DRIVERS -> ETC ->
    • Open HOSTS w/ Notepad
    • Look for on (or [anything], for that matter)

    Sorry, Pres'. I see you're having the issue on more than 1 computer and that you've already checked your HOSTS file.
    • Please, disconnect from the router and connect to your broadband modem directly.
    • Reset your IP config back to dynamic if it's currently configured w/ an Static Address
    • Turn off - wait 10 seconds - then turn back on your broadband modem
    • Perform a "repair" on your Internet connection to refresh it
    • Can you get to the site now?
    • If you can, reconnect your router and perform a hard reset (this will restore it back to factory defaults - you'll need to re-configure it w/ any custom settings you'd entered previously)
    • Check w/ Linksys for any firmware updates for the router and apply the latest one if one is available
    • Before customizing your router configuration again, check to see if you can get to the site now.
  • edited February 2007
    I guess I am done then :( I'll have to do extended searches for the downloads on
  • JonseyJonsey Microsoft Corporation
    edited February 2007
    Try bypassing the local cache of DNS.

    See if you can get a connection to

    Notice that last `.`? That forces you to do a full recursive pull of the DNS information. Give this a shot, if it fails, we can start doing some nslookup work and find out where your name resolution bites it.
  • edited February 2007
    Thank you, it has unfortunately failed instantly
  • JonseyJonsey Microsoft Corporation
    edited February 2007
    Hmm... this is going to be hard for me to do a fast write-up of

    What you should do is get the IP of one of the root DNS servers (I like G, but they're all the same, nominally).

    Using `nslookup` from a command prompt, type in "server AAA.BB.CCC.DDD" in the nslookup prompt, then type the full name of where you're looking for, keeping in mind you can only traverse one `.` per query before you'll need to specify another server.

    So, when you give it a root server, and lookup it should point you to a list of the .com servers and so on.

    If you can traverse this the whole way to, it's either a deeply rooted problem, or nasty freakin' malware.

    for the deeply messed-up problems, try a repair install of Windows.... for malware... this is the place to find out. :)
  • edited February 2007
    It might be a comcast router because I took my PC to my parents house and could access everything just fine. I don't now why I can't get to it from here though. Router has been reset and everything.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited February 2007
    It could be a bad routing table. Blow out your router - factory reset
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