A reminder.......
In a van, down by the river, NC Icrontian
Ya'll are more than welcome to hang out in The Pond (Link) when ever the SM site's down. Even if it's not, come on by.
Now that your site's back up, what am I going to do with all this beer!
Now that your site's back up, what am I going to do with all this beer!
I did try to pop over earlier on but I was tied up in knots with my real life job
As always, thanks for the offer good sir, the amiable hosts you guys always are
Wait wait..
Did you say free beer??
Take the server back down.. party @ AMDmb
In a van down by the river is one of the classic quotes of all time. You should add that to our "favorite quotes" thread.
POBox: t1rhino, Toronto, Ontario....
Thanks for the invite to the pond!
Buiest... don't put that keg back into storage!
Party @ AMDmb (well not for me, I gotta do server stuff )
Thanks for keeping the welcome, er, reeds of your pond open for us!
I was busy as well today. Started getting UVJVS_Lab up and going and worked for 9.5 hours.
edit- it's back.
I thought maybe we had knocked all the Frogs out of the Pond.;D