My Eagle Project Is Completed!!!
Houston, TX Icrontian
I'm beyond happy. I have the service project completely done and all I have left to do is a little bit of paper work and also putting all the data into an access database. Which is going to be fun. I can't wait. :bigggrin:
I can't wait to start planning my eagle ceremony. and its gonna be fun since I work in the print industry as well as being an avid photographer. I want to put out some full color postcard invitations, though formal invitations do have something about them that I like. I want to have my ceremony out a local campgrounds that I've been going to since I was a bobcat. I want to get a bunch of pictures and ITS GONNA BE SO SWEET!
but I'm a bit ahead of myself. I still have to have my eagle board of review and then wait for nationals.:sad2:
I can't wait to start planning my eagle ceremony. and its gonna be fun since I work in the print industry as well as being an avid photographer. I want to put out some full color postcard invitations, though formal invitations do have something about them that I like. I want to have my ceremony out a local campgrounds that I've been going to since I was a bobcat. I want to get a bunch of pictures and ITS GONNA BE SO SWEET!
but I'm a bit ahead of myself. I still have to have my eagle board of review and then wait for nationals.:sad2:
347 rows. Which comes out to 346 houses surveyed. That took forever to enter. I went around my addition and surveyed hoses to see if they had a storm shelter, and if they did I recorded the GPS coordinates of the shelter in case of a complete destruction the emergency response teams can find the people and make sure they aren't stuck.
/me is an Eagle Scout too
Thanks Prof, I figured with all the good people here there's bound to be quite a few!