My Eagle Project Is Completed!!!

airbornflghtairbornflght Houston, TX Icrontian
edited February 2007 in Community
I'm beyond happy. I have the service project completely done and all I have left to do is a little bit of paper work and also putting all the data into an access database. Which is going to be fun. I can't wait. :bigggrin:

I can't wait to start planning my eagle ceremony. and its gonna be fun since I work in the print industry as well as being an avid photographer. I want to put out some full color postcard invitations, though formal invitations do have something about them that I like. I want to have my ceremony out a local campgrounds that I've been going to since I was a bobcat. I want to get a bunch of pictures and ITS GONNA BE SO SWEET!

but I'm a bit ahead of myself. I still have to have my eagle board of review and then wait for nationals.:sad2:


  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited February 2007
    Congrats! :cheers:
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited February 2007
    Nice job, buddy. :thumbsup:
  • zero-counterzero-counter Linux Lubber San Antonio Member
    edited February 2007
    Great job. My 8 year old is currently a Bear Cub Scout and loving it. He can't wait to get to the Eagle Scout level, as he has seen what they get to do for themselves and others.
  • airbornflghtairbornflght Houston, TX Icrontian
    edited February 2007
    Tell him to stick with it. It takes a lot of dedication. The metaphorical trail gets steeper the closer you get. My last two years have been the hardest of all. But I'm about to get some resolution from all the time and dedication.
  • AuthorityActionAuthorityAction Missouri Member
    edited February 2007
    Congrats! I know how hard it gets as you get up there, it takes a lot of work to complete everything. It's well worth it though, every employer will notice it.
  • airbornflghtairbornflght Houston, TX Icrontian
    edited February 2007
    I just got everything into the excel file.

    347 rows. Which comes out to 346 houses surveyed. That took forever to enter. I went around my addition and surveyed hoses to see if they had a storm shelter, and if they did I recorded the GPS coordinates of the shelter in case of a complete destruction the emergency response teams can find the people and make sure they aren't stuck.
  • BuddyJBuddyJ Dept. of Propaganda OKC Icrontian
    edited February 2007
    Excellent project! Congrats on finishing. It's a good feeling isn't it? What camp are you gonna have it at? (I spent last Sat. doing interviews for Slippery's Summer Camp Staff, and I've been to most of the camps in this area.)

    /me is an Eagle Scout too
  • WinfreyWinfrey waddafuh Missouri Icrontian
    edited February 2007
    Hey good job Andy, and good luck on your board of review. Whenever you get that done make sure you post here
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited February 2007
    Excellent idea, FreeC8675. :)
  • WinfreyWinfrey waddafuh Missouri Icrontian
    edited February 2007
    profdlp wrote:
    Excellent idea, FreeC8675. :)

    Thanks Prof, I figured with all the good people here there's bound to be quite a few!:thumbsup:
  • NightwolfNightwolf Afghanistan Member
    edited February 2007
    Awesome, I have a few friends with there eagle and I know how much work and determination it takes.
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